by Dwane | Mar 21, 2015 | Latin, Q&A, Visual Latin
A Visual Latin user has identified several errata. I received this feedback… Hi mr. Thomas! I had a few questions about test 25: Question 2 sounded like a personal question as in some people may find it easy and some not. Question 3 I put answer A B C to find...
by Dwane | Mar 18, 2015 | Education, Latin, Q&A, Visual Latin
I received this inquiry: We currently own years 1 & 2 of Visual Latin. My daughter is enrolled in Classical Conversations where we use Henle. She is struggling and I am now wondering if we should hold off the Henle and complete years 1 & 2 of Visual Latin...
by Dwane | Jan 24, 2015 | Education, Latin, Q&A, ScreenCasts
In the homework section of Lingua Latina, chapter 10, is a question that causes trouble for many of my students. The question, “Quid agunt mercatores” hinges on the verb “agunt”. The verb, which means, to do, is fully conjugated...