How many pages did you write?

Dwane Thomas’ Tip of the Week – November 4, 2017 ================================================= Are you a writer?  Do you sometimes wonder how much you are writing? Maybe that’s a strange question.  Let me explain.  Every week Grammarly sends me a...

Safe You Tube

YouTube is an incredible place.  I am convinced you could use it to learn almost anything. Unfortunately, it can also be a dangerous place.  It is easy for kids to run across what they should not see. But, using, students can harness the power of...

What to pack

Traveling can actually be quite a hassle.  Or, it can be a forced rest.  Sometimes, sitting on a plane with nothing to do sounds nice. Every time I travel, I am always envious of the the cool, carefree travelers with one backpack.  I am not envious when I watch the...

I’m back.

I took the last three weeks off.  Well… from writing a tip of the week.  Just couldn’t find the time. August is the busiest month of the year for me.   I spend most of my time getting ready for the upcoming courses, answering questions, registering...

Do this.

August is a crazy busy month of the year for me. Last Saturday, I didn’t send a tip of the week.  This Saturday, I am too tired to spend much time typing. A writer I follow once sent out a reminder that I have never forgotten.  I read this from time to time....