Go forth and have no fear.

I didn’t send a tip of the week last Saturday because… reasons. After four months away, my family and I are home now.  I went to see if I could teach online from overseas.  The experiment worked. Before leaving I was warned by many. Don’t do it....

The Two Parthenon’s and You.

There are only two full-sized Parthenon’s in the world.  One is in Athens.  It’s the original.  Perhaps you have heard of it.  The other Parthenon is located in Nashville, Tennessee.  It’s close to my home. Greece has taught me much over the last...


I am not personally a big fan of buying stuff.  Especially stuff I don’t need.  But, to do a job well, sometimes you need certain tools.  I don’t mind buying the tools necessary to get the job done. The problem is, sometimes I am not exactly sure what...

The Pledge

For seven years, or so, I spent evenings and Saturdays behind one of these: This outdoor leaf vacuum was part of one of the odd jobs I took.  I took on many odd jobs to rescue my family from financial ruin. You see, for years, I had a bad financial habit.  I taught in...

Caesar’s Gallic Bore

The other day, this comment popped up on my YouTube account: “I’m currently in my second year of Latin and so far I know a lot about the Romans slaughtering the Gauls…annnd beautiful words such as caedis and occiderunt :)” In case you are...

Flash Cards

Instead of standing aimlessly in line at the bank, the checkout line, or the department of motor vehicles, you could learn.  You could learn a lot.  Especially if you are at the DMV. https://youtu.be/k3A_pzCUwRA I use the Quizlet app to learn new vocabulary while...