Docendo discimus.

One of the fastest ways to learn anything is to teach what you want to learn. There is an old Roman proverb, docendo discimus.   It means, “We learn by teaching.” I live by this motto. When I decided to learn Latin, I volunteered to teach Latin. When I...

The backup plan.

In 68 days, my family and I are moving overseas.  We will be gone at least four months. I am going to start writing about the process here on my blog.  I typically don’t write about private affairs, but so many people are asking.  It would actually save me a...

Major changes.

Καιρός (Kairos) was the Greek god of opportunity.  He was the god of favorable moments.  He was the god of fortune. According to the Greeks, he only had hair on the front of his head. This gave rise to the saying, “If you happen to see Kairos passing by in the...

A funny collapse.

I am sadly watching Europe collapse.  Europe is home to me.  Born in Oxford, and raised primarily in England, Holland, and Germany, I can’t wait to get back. I work hard.  In many ways, I work hard so that I can afford to go back.  I miss home. This letter made...

Find your happy place.

I don’t know how travel writers do it. I just spent five weeks working from the road.  If I were to grade my performance, I would give myself a C -.  Maybe a D +. I fell behind on emails, blogs, the word of the day, and new YouTube videos. As I said, I do not...

Run away. Change your life.

How to drastically change your life. I haven’t sent a “tip of the week” for nearly three weeks. Turns out, I don’t work very well from the road.  It’s all going to hit me when I get home. My family and I have been on the road for three...