How to prepare for the National Latin Exam

I received this email last week: My son has completed  VL 1&2. Not knowing where to continue after that, he has been reading through Lingua Latina and (attempting to) translating Proverbs into Latin but without the exercises. I am hoping to have him take the NLE...

A student asks: How do we conjugate verbs?

I received this question: Hello. My sister and I are taking your Lingua Latina course and are having trouble figuring out how to conjugate verbs. For example: The tree cant drink the water. How would we translate the word drink? Is there a paper or video or maybe even...

Tip #235: Where to find free audiobooks

If you’ve been reading my ‘Τip of the Week’ email for long, you know I am a big fan of audiobooks.  (I missed almost the entire month of May, so I suppose I should call it the “not so consistent tip”). Whenever I am looking for a new audiobook, I always check...