
Amphora: Among the ancients, a two-handled vessel, tapering at the bottom, used for holding wine, or oil.  Sometimes amphorae, filled with oil, were awarded to victorious athletes in the games… which is why, even today, trophies take on an amphoral shape.  Amphora...

Carry on…

The verb porto, in Latin means, to carry or, to bring. In all its glory, the verb is: porto, portare, portavi, portatum. English pulls quite a few words out of this particular Latin hat.  Before we get to that, however, let’s take a look at the way Romance...


Nostalgia: a longing for home; a longing for better days. From Greek νοσταλγία (nostalgia), which further derives from νόστος (a return home), and ἄλγος (pain, suffering).


Adult: a person who has stopped growing at both ends and is now growing in the middle. From Latin adultus (mature, ripe, fully grown).


abyss: a bottomless pit; an unfathomable depth; or even, a hopeless situation. From Greek ἄβυσσος (bottomless).  This word breaks down into ἀ (not) and βυθός (deep place). I’ve never seen this abyss, though I hope to while traveling “out West” this...


Expert: a person with a particular skill, special knowledge, or a person who knows a lot about a particular subject. Expert derives from the Latin expertus (tried, tested, proven by experience).  Expertus is the past participle of the verb experior (to test, to put to...