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“You have superpowers!

I know this because you can transform kids from haters of Latin to lovers of Latin!”  – Kimberly

Recent Blog Posts

How demanding is the online Latin course?

What does the homework tend to entail? Is it intensive? How demanding is the course?    The course is demanding.   Whether you go through First Year Latin by Robert Henle or Lingua Latina, students are expected to be able to read the New Testament in Latin by the end...

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Henle 2 Syllabus

This week, I received a series of question about Henle and Visual Latin.  I thought the thread might be helpful for you.  Especially those in Henle 2. "Is Visual Latin 1 and 2 designed to only cover Henle 1?  Same question I guess, is the online course only to cover...

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Writing well.

If you can write well, you will go further.  We all know this is true.  If you are a student, you will score higher in school and university.  If you are a writer, you will get your message across. In one of my favorite books, The Loom of Language, Fredrick Bodmer...

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Decision made.

I posted nothing on my site yesterday. I posted nothing because I was busy.  Later, I was depressed. This fall I am teaching a vocabulary class.  In the class, we will study the great grandchildren of Latin and Greek.  We will study the English words spawned by their...

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Email of the week.

Here is my favorite email this week: "Here is a testimonial to the power of your Visual Latin combined with the pure enjoyment of Lingua Latina:  My 11yo son started Visual Latin 1 with us mid-May.  The only Latin he had taken before then was the CC Foundations memory...

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Henle 2 before Henle 1?

I received this inquiry:   "My son completed Classical Conversations Challenge 1 with Henle Latin 1.  They only got about 2/3 of the way through the book.  Which class should I sign him up for from you...1 or 2? Thanks!" Here is my reply: Why not both?  🙂 Seriously....

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Tip #27: How to Write Clearly.

Clear writing. If you can write well, you will go further.  We all know this is true. You will score higher in school and university. In one of my favorite books, The Loom of Language, Fredrick Bodmer reminds us: "Good English, well spoken and well written will open...

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Last minute change.

Last minute book change: If you are in the online vocabulary class, do not order the book. I have been reading it again and there are simply too many sexual innuendos. I am going to look for another book. Terribly disappointed as this book is a rather entertaining way...

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