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“You have superpowers!

I know this because you can transform kids from haters of Latin to lovers of Latin!”  – Kimberly

Recent Blog Posts

Latin for the little guys?

I received this inquiry on Facebook: I haven't purchased a Latin program for my kids. My oldest is currently in 3rd grade. I am ready to buy now, but still not sure which one.  I'm feeling very overwhelmed by the choices. I just want to feel secure in picking a...

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Why You Should Run Away

We moved often when I was young.  Dad was in the U.S. Air Force. Back then (in the 70's and 80's), redeployment was common.    Until moving to Franklin, Tennessee, I had stayed no where longer than four years.  Two years, actually, was the average.  We lived for four...

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Latin Graduation Quotes

Every now and then I get requests like this one. Hi! I want to put a Latin message on my daughter's Graduation sign for our yard.  Do you have any ideas? Thanks! Here is my reply: How about "Per aspera ad astra." It means, to the stars through difficulties. Or,...

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The Latin Bible?

This question popped up on Facebook today: We just purchased Visual Latin and love it so far (on lesson 5 now). What Latin Bible do you recommend? I want to purchase one for my daughters who are studying Latin (along with me). Here is my reply: Glad to hear you are...

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Excellent video about Roman urban development. David Macaulay is the author and artist behind the book, City: A Story of Roman Planning and Construction.

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Chiropodist: a podiatrist.  The word chiropodist has essentially dropped from English.  It lost its job to podiatrist.  A chiropodist was a hand and foot doctor.  The word comes from the Greek words for hand, χείρ (pronounced, kheir) and foot, ποδός (pronounced,...

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Pedestal: In architecture, the lowest part of a column or pillar. The pedestal sustains a column and serves as its “foot.” A pedestal is a support structure, a base. We can use the word pedestal figuratively as well. When we put someone “on a pedestal,” we are...

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After Visual Latin?

I received this question: Hi. After a student has completed Visual Latin 1 & 2, is there a particular program/level that you would recommend they move to? What is the next step after Visual Latin? Thanks! Here is my reply: Hi, Melissa! I do have some...

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Preparation for Henle?

I received this question: Will you have any materials or preparation information prior to the beginning of the online course scheduled to begin this fall? Here is my reply: Hi, Debra! If at all possible, try to get through the first 15 to 20 lessons of Visual Latin...

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Cephalopod: the squid, the octopus, or the cuttlefish.  The Greek word, κεφαλή (kephale) means, head.  Combine this word with the Greek word for foot, ποδός (podos), and you’ve got a cephalopod.  That’s right.  A cephalopod is a “head-footed” creature.  Or, perhaps a...

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