Which Latin pronunciation?

I get this question all the time.  Do you think it would be confusing for a student to do both pronunciations? My kids (age 11 and 13) will be doing a class next year that uses Classical pronunciation but I would love them to be able to use some of the resources that...


So, I have run out of “equus” words.  The Latin word “equus” was not the everyday word for horse.  Instead, equus was the classical word for horse.  The average Roman citizen in the street had a completely different word, caballus. There is a dirty little secret...

Why not speak like a Roman?

Here’s a Latin question I get once a week… “Why are there two ways to pronounce the same language?” It is often followed by this question: “Why not pronounce Latin the way the ancient Romans pronounced Latin?” Well… There’s the trouble.  No one knows...