Subscription questions…

I received the following questions: Does the $25 and $50 per month class include the live classes too or just recorded?  It also states all classes.  Does this mean Lingua Latina as well?   I’m trying to figure out if we should try and finish Henle 1 over the...

Does Visual Latin cover Henle 1?

Compass classroom and I received a series of questions…. I have some questions about the Latin program. We are doing the First Form and Second Form with two kids and Henle for our oldest. I like the idea of visual Latin but was wondering what grade levels this...

Access to recordings?

I received this question: I have a Henle I and II students at home. They both have reached a point where they need additional support. I don’t need you to grade their work, I’m keeping up with that and as you say it makes me better at Latin, too. I am a...

Henle 1 Syllabus

Quite a few of you have asked for the First Year Latin syllabus.  Well, here it is: Henle 1 Syllabus Let me know if you spot any mistakes! Thanks! Dwane

Abandon Henle.

I received this question: “My son has completed Challenge I (Henle I) and wants to continue Latin one more year even though he is not in CC this year. Would you recommend continuing on to Henle II or switching to Lingua Latina since both are actual books? I plan...