Henle 2 before Henle 1?

I received this inquiry:   “My son completed Classical Conversations Challenge 1 with Henle Latin 1.  They only got about 2/3 of the way through the book.  Which class should I sign him up for from you…1 or 2? Thanks!” Here is my reply: Why not both?...

Can I join the Henle 2 class?

I received this inquiry: My son only completed up to Henle Latin 1 lesson 26 – He will be starting Ch 2 in the fall (Henle Latin 2) – can he enroll in your class???? Here is my reply: Hi! I am afraid Henle Latin 2 would be over his head.  There are 42...

3 Years in Latin 1? Sigh.

I received this call for help: We are currently in Classical Conversations. My daughters have been in Henle Latin 1 for 3-4 yrs. This year, we completely lost interest and decided to pull back (plus we had some family health issues). So, now, we are STILL not thru...

Do you want to enjoy Latin?

I received this inquiry: “Which of the two “Latin 1″ courses you teach would you recommend for a high school credit for a young man?  Henle Latin or Lingua Latina.” Here is my reply: The short answer: Lingua Latina. The long answer: Two of my...

Eat that Frog!

I received this inquiry:  “I know the Henle Latin class is going to carry over into the summer or Fall, which also leads me to the question: when do you plan to have the class which finishes the Henle Latin 1 book? How many weeks/classes will it be?” Here...