Visual Latin or Henle Latin?

I received this inquiry: Comment: I have a question about Visual latin and Henle. I know you have a sheet for using both together. I am wondering if we really need it. My question is, will my children come away with the same level of latin just using VL 1 and 2 as...

3 Years in Latin 1? Sigh.

I received this call for help: We are currently in Classical Conversations. My daughters have been in Henle Latin 1 for 3-4 yrs. This year, we completely lost interest and decided to pull back (plus we had some family health issues). So, now, we are STILL not thru...

Latin 2 time conflict…

I received this question: Ok, I know we haven’t actually finished this academic year yet, but I’m beginning to plan for next year now. I’d love for my daughter to take Latin 2 with you online, but we’ve got a time conflict with the Wed 4-4:55...