English to Latin with Henle

This summer, some of my Latin students and I will finish up a year long slog through First Year Latin, by Robert Henle. Even in a year long course, there is no way to get to it all. For a while, I have been working my way through the book, creating videos using the...

Do I have to learn the cases?

This comment popped up on YouTube. Great videos. but I have a question. in lesson 1C you pronounced CAELUM /djelum/ or something like it. C like an CH. But in this one, you say it as K… why is that? and watching this lesson, i´ve got another question. why do we...

Extra Henle practice….

This year, I am teaching a Latin course for students in Classical Conversations.  We are reading through the text First Year Latin, by Robert Henle. In his series, particularly in the first book, Mr. Henle requires students to diagram some of the Latin sentences. ...

Subordinating Conjunctions

In this short video, learn to diagram subordinating conjunctions in English.  Then, learn to translate those sentences into Latin. These sentences are based on the Henle Latin series from Robert Henle.  These sentences come from chapter 2 of the first book in the...