
I’ve been silent for a few days. Have not posted the word of the day. There is a reason. It’s a good one. I’ve been hiding out. I was nervous. My anatidaephobia had flared up again. Anatidaephobia derives from the Latin word for duck, anas and the...


Acquaint: to make known; to make familiar Isaiah, prophesying the coming Christ, called him a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Acquaint comes from the Latin preposition ad (to, toward) and the verb cognosco (I know).

I know, right?

The ancient Greek word γιγνώσκω (gignosko) means I know.   From this word, English derives all kinds of brainy words.  Gnostic, agnostic, prognosis, and diagnosis derive from γιγνώσκω.  To say, “I know,” the Romans would use the Latin word cognosco.  From...


Circumlocution: indirect speaking; a roundabout or indirect expression; use of superfluous words to express an idea. If you are not willing to get right to the point, or if, for some reason, you need to soften the force of direct speech, you might use circumlocution....


Recycle: to use again, to convert waste into material usable once again. Recycle comes from the Latin words re (back, again) and the Greek word κύκλος (kuklos), a circle, a wheel. Incidentally, I have a small public service side business.  I recycle old five dollar...