
Guys, It appears my site was hacked a few hours ago.  If you get a message from “Lucy” just ignore it. Working right now to fix this. Dwane  

Would you ride this?

When I was a kid, flying cars were a fantasy. Every year, companies push that fantasy closer.  Here is the latest.  Would you ride around in this? Remember these guys?  They had it all.  Flying cars.  Robot servants.  3-D printed food.  Cell phones.  Turns out, our...

Why Lingua Latina?

Earlier this year, this was posted on my site.  I couldn’t have said it better: As a recovering Henle student, I also encourage the Lingua Latina book. My sons and I switched over to Lingua Latina after one year of tedious struggle with Henle. Lingua Latina is...

Possible schedule for 2017 – 2018

I will be finalizing my schedule soon, but it will likely be something like this: (All times are in the Central Time Zone) Tuesdays 9 AM: Latin 1: Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg chapters 1 – 19 10 AM: Latin 2: Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg chapters – 34 11...