Lingua Latina Quiz 21

Feel free to tinker around with this.   Let me know if you spot any mistakes.   Feel free to offer suggestions… or even compose your own questions: Num Sextus, Marcus, Titusque boni pueri sunt?     A) Marcus solus bonus puer est.     B) Iulius et Sextus boni...

I’m done.

I don’t weigh in much on politics.  For the most part, politics is a tar baby.  Especially in my extended family.  Best to avoid the conversation. Generally, I have had the same stance with Islam. But, after the attacks in London, and especially after the attack...

Lingua Latina, chapter 20: Quiz

This is the first draft of a quiz I am writing for chapter 20 of Lingua Latina.  It will be available for subscribers/students on my my site.  If you have been through the Lingua Latina course, or if you are going through the course, and if you like quizzes, and if...

The Vestal Virgins

For some reason, we tend to idolize ancient Rome and ancient Greece.  We forget that they were barbaric statist societies built on slavery and, at times, human...


During my son’s recent ordeal, I discovered several things about myself that I did not like. Among other things, I am not the Stoic I thought I was becoming.  Under pressure, I lost my cool.  More than once.  Sigh. I also discovered that, under pressure, I stop...