Summary of the Millionaire Next Door

Years ago, I read the Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley.  I remember thinking… “Is this a commentary on the book of Proverbs?” This morning, I ran across a summary of the book. Investment writer Mark Skousen wrote this:...

Do this.

August is a crazy busy month of the year for me. Last Saturday, I didn’t send a tip of the week.  This Saturday, I am too tired to spend much time typing. A writer I follow once sent out a reminder that I have never forgotten.  I read this from time to time....

When schools fail…

I received this email: After reading several blog posts, I am wondering (again) about Henle. Yes, I admit that I am also one of those people who HATE Henle. I find it cumbersome, confusing, limited (vocabulary ), and just plain aggravating. Our son has struggled with...

Which meaning?

I received this question: My son came across a problem on Visual Latin 1 Lesson 15. On the answer sheet it says that the word “feminam” means wife and “feminas” means wives but on the vocabulary list, it is not listed. It is listed as woman....

Lingua Latina. Where to begin?

I received this question: Our school is in its second year with a new high school (very soft, very quiet open). Four students, three ninth-graders, and one 11th grader. I am needing help in how to divide the Lingua Latina into courses. Latin 1, Latin 2, etc. Surely...