Word Up: Live! is back…

Years ago, my students and I created a master vocabulary document for Lingua Latina. My old site wouldn’t allow me to give it away for free. My new site does. Sooo… here you are: *Vocabulary for Lingua Latina You may also like to know that I will be going...

Live Q&A Tonight!

Visual Latin? Online classes? Henle Latin? Lingua Latina? Confused? From now until May, I will be hosting live Q&A webinars on Monday nights… starting tonight.  No charge. Here is the...


I haven’t sent an email out on a Saturday in quite some time. The truth is, January and February were pretty dark days.  I sank rather low and just didn’t feel like I had much to offer.  So, I didn’t offer much. But, things are improving.  And, I am...

My son is 12. Can he join the Lingua Latina class?

I received this email.  I tried to respond, but it bounced back.  So… I am responding here: Hello — My son will be 12 1/2 at the start of the next school year.  He (in fifth grade) took a class which covered the first six capitulums of your book, Lingua...


As I have said many times, I am not anti-college.  And, I am by no means anti-education.  I believe you should get as educated as you possibly can.  I believe you should never stop learning. But… I am anti-debt. I subscribe to multiple online newsletters.  This...