Visual Latin and the AP Latin exam.

I received this email: Hello Mr. Thomas. I really really love your courses and videos. As a matter of fact your videos convinced me to take Latin as a second language in school. Although in school, the class is slow and I like fast paces in language learning. As my...

Letter of the week. :-)

We are so appreciative of the service you provide for the homeschooling community! I work in a small local homeschool bookstore, and it is hard for people to find a quality way to teach their children Latin (& Greek!). What you have provided is such an excellent...

This week’s class schedule.

I recently realized that the syllabi I created for my classes some time ago are off. Rather than update them every year, which I just do not have time to do, I am going to try to announce the class schedules every week here in the blog. Here goes: Lingua Latina 1:...

Hotter Coffee

Dwane Thomas’ Tip of the Week – December 2, 2017 ================================================= Warning.  The tip this week is completely based on a First World Problem (FWP). This time of year, my wife and I really enjoy coffee.  And also… the...