Halfway there.

On October 27, 2017, I read the following article by author Bob Bly.  (Mr. Bly gives full permission to reprint his articles as long as you give him credit.) I recommend you read the article in its entirety.  Here it is (Actually, this is only part of the article. He...

Visual Latin and Lingua Latina?

I received this question: My daughter is taking your visual Latin year one. According to the syllabus, it says that in lesson 10 to start reading one chapter in lingua Latina every two visual Latin lessons. Would you please describe what this looks like or give me an...

Second Year Latin Test 1 is up.

Even though John Gotto wrote this, “Who wouldn’t get bored teaching students who are rude and interested only in grades?” and even though I agree with him, what am I to do? Incidentally, I don’t deal with very many rude students.  But on a daily...

Italian article adjectives

I am struggling a bit with Italian articles.  I found this video helpful.  She teaches in Spanish, so it helps if you know Spanish, but even if you don’t, I believe you may find this helpful if you, too, are struggling with Italian article adjectives. Also...

Not all English words come from Latin…

Many of my students often have the misconception that all languages, including English, come from Latin. Nope.  Not true.  A lot of languages come from Latin, but English is not one of them.  English is a Germanic language. We have borrowed a ton of vocabulary from...