Diagramming Henle Latin: First Year Latin – Chapter One

If you have ever worked your way through the Henle Latin series, by Robert Henle, you know the author asks students to diagram sentences. The series was published around seventy years ago.  Back then, kids new how to diagram.  Schools still taught the skill.  These...

How to Set and Hit Your Goals: Free Webinar

On Monday, July 8, 2024, I am offering a free webinar on setting and hitting goals.  Actually, I am starting a series of webinars.  We will meet every Monday morning in July of 2024 This is a free webinar organized by Compass Classroom.  Feel free to join.  Here is...


I began studying French in 2020. As I have studied French, I have discovered many useful resources.  Here, I share them with you.  I hope they help you as much as they have helped me. If you are learning French, here are my top recommendations: (Note: Some of the...


I am attempting to level up in Spanish.  Compass Classroom and I want to produce something like Visual Latin, for Spanish.  It has been a dream for some time. Unfortunately, my Spanish skills are the hold up.  I still have much to learn. As I have studied Spanish, I...