Word of the Day #94: Derange

My local French students and I (I am not fluent.  We are learning together.) have been watching the language learning series Extra. In Episode three, one of the characters uses the phrase ça ne me dérange pas, meaning, it doesn’t bother me. This threw my...

French in the Fall

I received this question: We were looking at my daughter starting the French class that is listed as “resuming” on September 7th. Which volume of the books listed will the course use? Also, how much previous knowledge of French will she need to have under...

How I am teaching myself French

Most people come to this site looking with one question.  “Can you help us get through the Henle Latin series?” The answer is, “Yes.  I can.  I think it may destroy my sanity in the end, but, yes.  I can help you get through the Henle Latin...