Which class?

I received this question: I am wondering what your thoughts would be for my daughter regarding Latin.  She is currently taking Latin 1B through the Lukeion Project (Wheelock’s Latin).  She’s has a high B average.  She would like to continue Latin studies...

An online dictionary for Greek.

Students in my classes know that, for Latin, I am a big fan of Whitaker’s Words. Students in my Greek classes know that I haven’t found anything quite like Whitaker’s Words for Greek. There’s this: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/...

Safety in Athens

I am moving my family to Greece in a month.  Well, almost.  We will be in Israel for a few weeks first. If you are concerned about my safety, you are not the only one.  Several people have cautioned me about moving to Greece. A few days ago, I did a safety search on...

Subscription confusion…

I received several questions… I am trying to make sure I understand how your online classes work. The monthly subscription cover one class for multiple children? And is it 25.00 a month for each class? And, which latin curriculum are you using for the online...

Greek words and Italy…

I received some questions from a former student: So I’m taking an astronomy class this semester, and just learned about perihelions and aphelions in ellipses. I’m thinking it has a Greek (ancient Greek) tie in, since Helios was the old sun god in Greek...