Van on the run. Part 2.

We arrived in California about a week  ago. So… California is expensive, guys. Across the West, we have camped for as little as $10 a night.  Average.  We never had any trouble finding a campsite. Then, we made it to California.  There were no campsites...

Flow with Disorder.

I didn’t send a tip of the week last Saturday. I spent the day adjusting to setbacks.  They consumed my mind for the day.  I did not recover until the next morning. One of my childhood friends joined the U.S. Marines after college. He is a Major now.  To put it...

I will disappear in June.

We moved often when I was young.  Dad was in the U.S. Air Force. Back then (in the 70’s and 80’s), redeployment was common.    Until moving to Franklin, Tennessee, I live in no location longer than four years.  Two years, actually, was the average.  We...


If you spend any time around my family, you will eventually hear a strange term.  When things are going severely wrong, when a situation is just awful, someone in the family will mutter, Wampatucked.  My girls blog for their English assignments.  Today, one of them...

Why You Should Run Away

We moved often when I was young.  Dad was in the U.S. Air Force. Back then (in the 70’s and 80’s), redeployment was common.    Until moving to Franklin, Tennessee, I had stayed no where longer than four years.  Two years, actually, was the average.  We...