Tip #222: Keep your writing simple.

I know how to use a gun, but I’d rather not.  In a fight, I’d rather walk away.  I imagine you feel the same. The same rule applies to writing.  I know the big words in the English language.  I’ve taught Latin for decades.  Most of the big words in English come from...

Set yourself apart from the competition.

Recently, I posted a quick start guide to getting started online. I listed twelve steps.   Here are three even quicker ways to get started online.   Any of these three would work.   The trick is to start. #1.  Start a blog, newsletter, podcast, You Tube channel or...

Tip #155: An easy way to prevent overeating.

I sent this tip out on November 30, 2019   Last Thursday, in America, we celebrated Thanksgiving day.   Many of the first English settlers who came to North American shores went hungry and even starved during their first year in the New World. We celebrate that...


Last week, this note from a student made me happy. I wanted to thank you for teaching Latin. I’ve learned more in three months than in three years. And now Latin is my favorite subject! Thank you for all the time and effort you have put in to make this so much fun....

Tip #154: Give yourself plenty of time

I sent this tip out on November 23, 2019: Here’s this week’s tip: Give yourself plenty of time. Next week, in America, we will be celebrating Thanksgiving.   If you are driving to a relative’s house, and you are supposed to be there by 1, simply plan...

Tip #222: Keep your writing simple

I know how to use a gun, but I’d rather not.  In a fight, I’d rather walk away.  I imagine you feel the same. The same rule applies to writing.  I know the big words in the English language.  I’ve taught Latin for decades.  Most of the big words in English come from...