Hi there!

At some point in the past few years, you joined an online Latin class with me.  Or, perhaps it was a Greek class.  

I told you then that you could repeat the class for free.  I am here to remind you that I was not kidding.  You can repeat the class… for free.

Maybe you got busy.  Maybe you were overwhelmed.  Maybe you were too young for Latin or Greek.  That’s okay.  Whatever the reason, you are welcome to jump back in!

Classes for 2015 – 2016 are forming now.  

This coming school year, I will offer the following classes:

Beyond Word Up!                                                                                                         This is an English Vocabulary Class.  We will focus on words that come from Latin and Greek roots.  We will also learn about the history of English as we go.

Beyond Word Up! will meet on Tuesdays, from 5:00-5:55pm CST

Class begins on August 11 and ends on May 31, 2016.

Henle Latin 1 and 2                                                                                                    These classes are for those students in Classical Conversations who are reluctantly plodding though the Latin series by Robert Henle.  This is an aggressive course.  We will cover all of First Year Latin, in… wait for it… the first year.  Join this class only if you are willing to work.

Henle Latin 1 will meet on Wednesdays, from 3:00-3:55pm CST. 

Henle Latin 2 will meet on Wednesdays, from 4:00-4:55pm CST.

Class begins on August 12 and ends on June 1, 2016.

Lingua Latina                                                                                                            Chances are, most of you were in one of the Lingua Latina classes.  This is, by far, the most popular course I teach.  Unfortunately, it is also one of the toughest courses I teach.  A lot of students drop out.  I hate that.  I hope you did not drop out because I did not bring snacks to class.  If that is why you left, you may not want to come back.  I still do not bring snacks to class.  

But, perhaps you dropped out because you were overwhelmed, the homework became too much, you were discouraged at your progress, or you were just too young for the class.  

It does not matter.  You are welcome to come back.  Many of my students do not start Latin until they are in college.  Some are even done with college before they sign up.  A few have even joined after raising their own children!  In other words, it is not too late.  Do not convince yourself that Latin is too hard, simply because it was too hard the first time.  

You are welcome to join us again this fall!  

Lingua Latina chapters 1 – 19 will meet on Tuesdays, from 3:00-3:55pm CST. 

Lingua Latina chapters 20 – 34 will meet on Tuesdays, from 4:00-4:55pm CST.

Class begins on August 11 and ends on May 31, 2016.

Athenaze                                                                                                                                  It took me a while, but I decided to bring back the Greek classes.  If you have ever wanted to read the New Testament in Greek, this class will take you there.  Be careful, though.  This is a tough, tough class.  We will learn to read in ancient, and biblical Greek (they are not all that different, really).  Along the way, we will also learn plenty of modern Greek.

If you were ever in one of my previous Greek classes, you are welcome to join for free.

The Greek will meet on Wednesdays, from 6:00-6:55pm CST.

Class begins on August 12 and ends on June 1, 2016.

Fables and Foundations                                                                                            Last of all, I am offering a reading class this year.  If you have completed Lingua Latina, Visual Latin, or Henle Latin, and you just want to do some reading in Latin, this is the class for you.  In Fables and Foundations, we will spend a semester reading some of the Greek and Roman myths (in Latin).  During the second semester, we will plow through the book of Genesis.  We will read Genesis in Latin as well.

If you are not quite ready for Caesar and Cicero, and all the other dense Roman “classics,” but you don’t want to lose all you learned before, then this is the class for you!

This class will meet on Tuesdays, from 2:00 – 2:55pm CST. 

Class begins on August 11 and ends on May 31, 2016.

So, that’s it!  If you want to take advantage of any of these classes, just drop by my new site: https://dwanethomas.com/  

While there, don’t forget to sign up for the free “Tip of the Week!”  Every Saturday, you will hear from me.  I will share with you some useful trick you can use to learn a new language.

To find a list of all the classes, go to the Live Classes tab.

If you are having a hard time learning Latin, or any other language, you can check out the new ebook I have written.  Via contains all the tricks I have learned along the way.  I share all the secrets I have used to teach myself Spanish, German, Latin and Greek.

I hope you are doing well!

Have a great Saturday!

Dwane Thomas