After Visual Latin?

I received this inquiry: If we took VL 1 this year (30 lessons), can my student take the online Latin II or should we take online Latin I ?  Just wondering because the chapters covered in LL Online I are fewer than those covered in in VL I. Hi! It all depends on the...

After Visual Latin?

I received this question: Hi. After a student has completed Visual Latin 1 & 2, is there a particular program/level that you would recommend they move to? What is the next step after Visual Latin? Thanks! Here is my reply: Hi, Melissa! I do have some...

After Visual Latin?

I received this inquiry on Facebook: Hope you’re doing well, and loving the classes! I’m about half way though the Visual Latin Series and had a questions. “Where do we go after?” Do you have any programs for students who complete the 60...

After Visual Latin?

I received this inquiry: “If we strive for passing the NLE Level 2, which I am hope translates to a level 2 language equivalent in French, Spanish, etc (?), what additional materials may be necessary, if any, once a student has completed your Lesson 60? I have...