After Henle Latin… Visual Latin or Lingua Latina?

I received this question: My son trudged through Latin this year for the first time in Classical Conversations Challenge 1. As you know, they use Henle. We’re not continuing with CC, but would like him to get his second year of Latin. He definitely learned some Latin...

The National Latin Exam

I received this question: We are looking at the National Latin Exam for my two daughters who are taking Latin right now. My older daughter is going through Lingua Latina and should be finished with it (Pars I) by the time of the exam. My younger daughter will be...

How to prepare for the National Latin Exam

I received this email last week: My son has completed  VL 1&2. Not knowing where to continue after that, he has been reading through Lingua Latina and (attempting to) translating Proverbs into Latin but without the exercises. I am hoping to have him take the NLE...

Latin 1, 2, 3 and beyond…

I received this question: Hi! My son is going into 9th grade and will be taking VL1 this year (along w/LL) for 1 HS credit, then VL2 (w/LL) next year for a 2nd HS credit. He would like to get at least 3 credits in Latin for HS. What should he do afterward for his 3rd...