Henle 2 or Lingua Latina?

I received this comment: Hello….I have 2 students in 9th grade and we are finishing Henle 1 through the Classical Conversations program. We have had to pare down the workload considerably just to be able to keep up. We will not be in the CC program next year and...

Am I ready for a Latin CLEP exam?

I received this inquiry: My son has completed all 60 lessons for Visual Latin. Would this be enough to prepare him for a CLEP test?? Here is my reply: Hi! I apologize for the delay.  I have been on the road for weeks.  Home now.  Catching up. Visual Latin teaches...

Can I join the Henle 2 class?

I received this inquiry: My son only completed up to Henle Latin 1 lesson 26 – He will be starting Ch 2 in the fall (Henle Latin 2) – can he enroll in your class???? Here is my reply: Hi! I am afraid Henle Latin 2 would be over his head.  There are 42...

No time for Caesar.

I received this question: My daughter would like to take the Henle II class, but she happens to have orchestra practice during your class time on Wednesdays.  Is there any chance that you might add another day/time for Henle II? Here is my reply: Hi! I am so sorry....