Online class time conflict.

I received this inquiry: I’m really interested in taking Lingua Latin 1, but the time doesn’t work with my schedule.  Would you be able to offer more times for Lingua?  I’m only able to take it if it’s after 3pm MST on Wednesdays, as I take a classical course before...

Lingua Latina, Henle, Visual Latin?

I received this question: Hi Dwane,  First of all I have to say after watching your sample lessons of Visual Latin, I absolutely LOVE IT!!!   I am so happy I stumbled upon your website last night!  My question is this… I would like to order your Visual Latin 1...

The National Latin Exam

I received this question: To get “credit” for a foreign language, my daughter needs to take the National Latin Exam and pass.  Do you have any experience preparing kids for this exam?  My daughter will take your Lingua Latina this fall.  Hopefully, she will take the...

3 Years in Latin 1? Sigh.

I received this call for help: We are currently in Classical Conversations. My daughters have been in Henle Latin 1 for 3-4 yrs. This year, we completely lost interest and decided to pull back (plus we had some family health issues). So, now, we are STILL not thru...

Do you want to enjoy Latin?

I received this inquiry: “Which of the two “Latin 1″ courses you teach would you recommend for a high school credit for a young man?  Henle Latin or Lingua Latina.” Here is my reply: The short answer: Lingua Latina. The long answer: Two of my...