Can I join the Henle 2 class?

I received this inquiry: My son only completed up to Henle Latin 1 lesson 26 – He will be starting Ch 2 in the fall (Henle Latin 2) – can he enroll in your class???? Here is my reply: Hi! I am afraid Henle Latin 2 would be over his head.  There are 42...

English to Latin with Henle

This summer, some of my Latin students and I will finish up a year long slog through First Year Latin, by Robert Henle. Even in a year long course, there is no way to get to it all. For a while, I have been working my way through the book, creating videos using the...

Finish Henle, or no?

I received this comment: Thanks for all you do. CC family here with a 15 year old sophomore finishing up Challenge B. It sounds like you’re very familiar with the Challenge B Henle pace – they finished up lessons 1-25 out of 42. My question is – do...

After Henle 1?

Here is a complex Latin question I received.   My guess is that more than a few of you are in this situation.  I have 2 daughters taking Latin.  One is taking your Henle 1 class. She was in Classical Conversations until this past year.  That is where she started with...

Greek? Latin? Help…?

A user asked the following questions: I am wondering how Biblical Greek and Attic Greek differ if you can learn Attic and read the Bible in Greek when you are done. Are Attic and Koine similar enough that it doesn’t matter? On another note, how early is it...