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“You have superpowers!

I know this because you can transform kids from haters of Latin to lovers of Latin!”  – Kimberly

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Perfunctory - Done only for the sake of getting rid of the duty. We perform our daily perfunctory tasks with haste and, if possible with minimum effort. For instance, we tend to greet each other with perfunctory greetings.  Without genuine interest, we might ask, “How...

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Latin – Why pay more?

Years ago, my family was foreclosed on.  We ended up living with my wife’s parents for some time.  I was a school teacher, earning a teacher's salary.  This is not such a bad thing if you work for the government, but I was a teacher in a private school.   We had a...

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I am sick and tired. Didn't want to post the word of the day. Could not think about it. Then, one of my daughters said, "I'll help you, dad. How about phillumenist?" I had no idea what a phillumenist was. I looked it up. So, here is the word of the day: Phillumenist:...

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After Visual Latin?

I received this inquiry on Facebook: Hope you're doing well, and loving the classes! I'm about half way though the Visual Latin Series and had a questions. "Where do we go after?" Do you have any programs for students who complete the 60 lessons? Here is my relpy: I...

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I received this comment today.  It made me happy. "I'm reading your book, Via, and I'm very impressed. It is a wonderful life-help book and not just for languages. I've never been a very disciplined person, so it will take lots of baby steps; however, your book gives...

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Semaphore: A signaling system.  A semaphore uses flags, lights, or mechanical arms to send messages, usually to travelers.  You might see a semaphore next to the railroad tracks. The word might also refer to a system of sending messages by holding the arms or flags in...

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Latin for Americans

I received this email: "Thank you so much for taking time to investigate and answer my questions. I don't know any difference between Classical Roman vocabulary and Ecclesiastical vocabulary. Do you think a child will get confused if he learns both Visual Latin and...

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Demonstrative Pronouns

I received this inquiry on Facebook: "Any suggestions to conquer all those confusing Pronouns in chapters 22-24 (VL1)?" Here is my reply: Oh, man.  This is a tough one. I am not always thankful for English.  But, when it comes to pronouns, I am super thankful for...

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Admit: to allow to enter. There are so many definitions and so many variations of this word, it is probably best to begin with the etymology.  Admit comes from the Latin verb admitto, which also has many definitions.   Admitto means: to urge on to spur to a gallop to...

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Be Grateful.

Here is a reminder I could use every day. One Step Program for a Better Life By Bob Irish A few years back, author and fitness guru Dr. Marcia Hootman was in a tailspin. She was headed for divorce, her health was suffering, and her teenage son had become increasingly...

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