Second Year Latin Test 1 is up.

Even though John Gotto wrote this, “Who wouldn’t get bored teaching students who are rude and interested only in grades?” and even though I agree with him, what am I to do? Incidentally, I don’t deal with very many rude students.  But on a daily...

Follow the title.

I received this question: Perfect – Ok so from reading your Q&A it sounds like keep my Henle kid in Henle 2 – and once she completes that she will have 3 years of Latin? Here is my reply: Slowly catching up.  Yes.  As best I can tell, it seems most...

After First Year Latin by Robert Henle?

I received this question: My son took your Latin Henle Year 1 last year.  We are trying to figure out which class would be the best next step for him to take.  What would you suggest? Here is my reply: Since he has finished First Year Latin by Robert Henle, it really...

From Henle 1 to Henle 2? Henle 3?

I received this question: My daughter is going to be enrolling in Classical Conversations for the very first time, going into Challenge 3 where the class will be completing the last part of Henle 2 and then starting Henle 3. I don’t think she is really going to...