Christmas break
Several students have asked about the upcoming Christmas break. So, here's the breakdown: There will be no classes during the Christmas/New Year season. December 21, 2020 – January 1, 2021 Classes will resume in the new year on January 4, 2021. There is one...
Mere Christianity
I'm not sure the world could get any more confusing. I'm sure it could. And, maybe it will. I'm just not personally sure it could get any more confusing. I feel bad for kids these days. How are they supposed to make sense of it all? To fight back some of the noise,...
Can I use a Latin dictionary during Visual Latin?
I received this question: My daughters are around lesson 42 of VL2. The complexity of the C lessons are getting challenging. I wanted your opinion in allowing them to use your comprehensive vocabulary list as they work through the C lessons (or a latin dictionary). Or...
Actually.... this explains a lot.
Happy Thanksgiving!
It's been a while since I have posted on my site. About ten days ago, the most important page on my site took a direct hit. I can no longer create, or edit tests. When you are in education, that's pretty important. Even if you think the modern grading system is...
Roman Mythology and the National Latin Exam
Yesterday, I announced that I would soon be teaching a Roman mythology class. Actually, we will be reading through four myths using the book, Fabulae Faciles. That class starts as soon as we finish Second Year Latin by Robert Henle... hopefully before Christmas. From...
Easy Latin Stories
Years ago, I started teaching the Henle Latin series on my site. Not necessarily because I was a big fan of the series. I did it to help those who were pushing through... and, just felt they needed help. In the next four weeks, or so, an intrepid few students and I...
That’s one destructive myth…
"If myth is a view of reality invented exclusively by the human mind, then, by definition, atheism is a myth. During the twentieth century this myth caused havoc in Eastern Europe. Now it has the West by its throat." - Vishal Mangalwadi, From the prologue of The...
Should you move from Henle Latin to Lingua Latina? Maybe. Maybe not.
I received this question: We are in CC and Henle is wonky. Of course. We're making it work(ish) and want to continue with CC well, but do so wisely.Might there be a way to jump in with Lingua Latina lessons and still be on schedule with her CC Challenge class? She's...
How to learn piano.
I am constantly toying with the idea of learning to play the piano. I really want to learn. My problem? Lack of time. At least, that's what I tell myself. Anyway, this week I came across a site I am going to use when I decide to pick it up again. In the meantime,...
Some questions about Visual Latin: Test 29
How I am learning Spanish.
These days, most of my language efforts are going into Spanish and French. The producer of Visual Latin, Compass Classroom really wants me to start filming a Spanish series next summer. In light of that, I am pouring gasoline on my efforts to master Spanish. Here is...
Don’t forget to vote for yourself.
I sent this to my wife and kids today. It's a really good reminder not to put too much faith in politics. Considering it is election day here in the USA, this is a good article to read. ...
Some changes to the Second Year Latin by Robert Henle class
It's been a while since I have posted on my site. Because... reasons. So, I am trying to get back to posting on a more regular schedule. This is a quick update for those in the Second Year Latin by Robert Henle class. We have been working our way through the...
Letter of the week. 🙂
This note from a student just made me happy. "I am 75 years old and I enjoy your classes and learning. I had four years of Latin in high school, but remember very little. When time permits I go to your site and relearn what I forgot. Your forever membership is well...
Problem solved.
Over the weekend, a number of you noticed the most important page on my site, "watch anytime" was gone. Since I don't work on Sundays, I didn't notice until Monday morning. I didn't start to panic until Monday evening. Heh. Turns out, there was no need to panic at...
The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Live Education
Title: The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Live Education Author: Grace Llewellyn Publisher: Published in 1997 by Element Books Limited Available on Amazon: (This is an affiliate link) Date Started: Sometime in...
Visual Latin: Replacement DVD’s
Every now and then I get a question about Visual Latin Replacement DVD's. Usually, I send people over to Compass Classroom. But, here, in this post, I am finally going to provide the link. Sometimes it takes me a while to spot the very obvious solution. So, if you...
Get out of school!
According to author Tony Buzan, "Learning how to learn is life's most important skill." Oh, I don't know. I think learning to duck is life's most important skill. Helps you avoid stray gunfire. Still, I understand what Mr. Buzan means. I was in the classroom for...
Some schedule changes…
For those of you in the online classes, I will not be teaching Friday and Saturday of this week. That's Friday and Saturday, October 9 and 10. Also, I just discovered this morning that I made a mistake scheduling the Second Year Latin by Robert Henle, and Third Year...
The Adventure of English
Today, I finished listening to The Adventure of English by Melvin Bragg. Though I may add to this post later, here are my initial thoughts on the book. Why I read this book: The history of the English language is one of my favorite topics. What I liked:...
Which Latin Dictionary?
I received this question: We are using Visual Latin and really enjoying it. Do you have a Latin/English dictionary that you recommend? I see several on Amazon and was wondering if you prefer one. Thank you for your time. Here is my reply: As for...
She didn’t follow my advice. And, it worked. 🙂
Last week, I received an email from a woman named Jill. When I tried to respond, the email bounced back. So, I suppose this could be a scam email. If so, it is the most encouraging scam email I have yet received. I am re-printing her email here for two reasons....
Tip of the Week, Saturday, September 26, 2020: Libby
Good morning! It’s really easy to access audio books these days. I don’t want to do the whole “when I was a kid” thing… but, here goes. When I was a kid audiobooks were only available in cassette form. I remember listening to The Hunchback of Notre Dame in...
But, not California
A few days ago, I posted my view about the future of our world. I believe it is, overall, getting better. There are fewer wars. Less crime. More freedom. And, even the diseases we fear most have a recovery rate of 99.5%. (The CDC has basically admitted that...
The world is getting better.
I received an interesting question from one of my students. I was at youth group tonight (mine meets on Monday nights) and I was thinking about something that you had said in the Harry Potter class. At least I think it was in the Harry Potter class. Maybe it was...
What should we use before Visual Latin?
I received this question: Hi! We are LOVING Visual Latin 1. However, we are considering homeschooling our almost-10-year-old son as well and I am curious: what Latin program would you recommend using before Visual Latin 1? Thanks so much! Here is my reply: Happy to...
Destinos: a free Spanish video course
About a week ago, a reader sent me a link to an old Spanish language learning series. Destinos, filmed in the 1980's, is a Spanish language course aimed at intermediate Spanish students. Fortunately, the series is available online completely free. Unfortunately, it's...
Everything? Forever? Really?
I received this question: Hi, Dwayne, I have a question about your lifetime subscription offer. After we finish paying the 3 years, do we keep access to EVERYTHING on your site? Or is everything just for the 3 years, and after that we only have your Latin content?...
A schedule mistake
Guys, I messed up. I forgot that I will not be able to teach French and Exercitia Latina (the exercise book for Lingua Latina) on Wednesday mornings. I am teaching a class in Nashville on Wednesdays and I have to leave home right after the morning Spanish class. We...
Classes start tomorrow.
Classes start back in the morning. Pretty early. Here's the schedule. Second Year Latin by Robert Henle • 6:00-6:25 am CST Mondays – Saturdays Third Year Latin by Robert Henle • 6:30-6:55 am CST Mondays – Saturdays Spanish • 7:00-7:25 am CST Mondays –...
Guys. It isn’t your fault you can barely read Latin.
I received this sad (and, oh so frequent) question: I have an 11th grade student who is in Classical Conversations. She has been doing Henle Latin for the last 4 years (Henle 1 and 2). I have not been doing it with her. Now she is in Challenge 3 and supposed to be...
Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish
I have studied Spanish off and on for years. But, lately, I have gotten serious. About ten days ago, someone recommended I take a look at Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish. I just finished reading it about a half hour ago. Here is a quick overview/review:...
More Latin? Or, on to Spanish?
I received this question: I have taken Lingua Latina recorded with Mr Thomas before. I am considering taking Spanish this year with the live class. When does Spanish class start? How much does it cost? Would you recommend trying a new language or getting more...
The law of unintended consequences.
Um. Yep. :-). Read the full article here:...
Public Indoctrination Camps
Seriously. What is it going to take to get Christians to pull their kids out of the public indoctrination camps (government schools)? At this point, I have no idea what it is going to take. All of my adult life I have listened to fellow Christians cheer on the public...
Will I be able to read the New Testament in Latin?
I received this question: I am a student of Henle First year latin, and I'm wondering how on earth will I ever be able to read the New Testament at the end of this book! All we ever learn about is the Romans and the Gauls killing each other, and the vocabulary seems...
Kinda like the Netflix of languages…
I received this question: One of my girls would rather do Spanish than Latin, is that possible? Here is my reply: I only charge per family… not per student, and not per class. A subscription grants access to every live class I teach. It also grants access to all of...
Should I switch from Henle Latin to Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg?
I received this question: Hello, I have a daughter who is in Classical Conversations Challenge 1. She has done 2 years of Henle 1 (up to lesson 29) and is bored to death. She is a good Latin student and I was considering switching her to Lingua Latina. I would have...
Q and A Live
For the moment, I am offering live Q and A/Orientation classes every Wednesday afternoon from 2-3 pm central time zone. (Let me know if another time works better for you. I may be able to switch times.) Here is the latest in case you missed it:...
Which books do I order?
One of the most common questions I get is, "Which books do I order?" For Latin, Greek, et cetera. I spend a lot of time responding to emails with answers to these questions. About a week ago, it hit me. I should just develop the resource pages on my own site. Duh....
The new Resource page
One of the most common questions I get (especially these days) is, "Which books do I order?" In the past, I have responded to each of these questions individually by listing the books, and linking to the books. Then, about ten days ago, the obvious hit me. "Just...
What Latin teachers aren’t telling you.
Whenever I try to learn a language, as much as possible, I like to learn much about the history of the language. These days, I am hyper-focused on Spanish. When taking a break from studying the language itself, I have been reading about the language... by reading The...
Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg
Not long ago, my students and I just finished another trip through Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata, by Hans Orberg. Every time I read this book, I am amazed. I am amazed at how well it teaches Latin. And, I am amazed at how tough it is. Did you catch that? Let me...
When does Henle 2 start?
I received the following question: Do you know the day and time for Henle 2? Here is my reply: Once we start back up, we will meet daily, probably six days a week. This class will meet a half hour a day and will meet early. At least, that’s the plan. 6 am...
Tip of the Week for Saturday, August 8, 2020
Happy Saturday, Everyone! These days, I am pushing myself to master Spanish. As much as I love this language, mastery has eluded me. I am doing everything I can think of to change this. This week, I made a strange discovery. In order to further develop my abilities...
When do classes start back up… and is Lingua Latina good enough?
I received the following email: Hi Dwane, When you begin your live Lingua Latina classes again in September, will you start up wherever you left off (and if so, where was that)? Or are you starting back at the beginning? Does LL incorporate rules on Latin? My one...
Word Up and Visual Latin are on sale today.
Compass Classroom and I spent the first few months of quarantine doing really dumb stuff. And, now you can watch it. Just so you know, there is a sale going on over at Compass Classroom. Today is the last day. If you liked watching me make a fool of myself in Word...
The Spanish book I use on my site.
I received this question: Hello! We have been following along with your Henle 2 class and are so grateful for you help! I would like my son to add Spanish this year but I am quite uncertain which curriculum he should use, especially since we want to continue with...
Just stop it, academic Latin. Please.
I received this question: Hi Dwane, I am a rising junior and have been through 4 years of Latin through CC. This year I am not continuing with CC, but instead putting together a course load. I am planning to do one more year of Latin, and then do some Legal Latin...