by Dwane | May 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
I received this question: I wasn’t sure where to ask this question, but I am intrigued to hear what you would have to say is the “take away” from your most recent blog post on “Still Can’t Read Latin after Years of Study?” Is this...
by Dwane | May 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
A student sent this to me at the end of the school year. Made me very happy. “Thank you Dwane for a wonderful year of Orberg Latin! A first for me. Even though there were a couple of days I had to miss, the online access will be of great help to rewatch. As...
by Dwane | May 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
I received this question: I read you suggestion to listen to 10 minutes of Latin a day. Suggestions on where to get some audio? Here is my reply: When it comes to Latin pronunciation, scholars will talk your ears off. And, they will get pretty frustrated when you get...
by Dwane | May 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
No reason for you guys to log in this morning just to listen to me cough. Will try again tomorrow. I apologize, my friends.
by Dwane | May 14, 2019 | Uncategorized
I have dedicated my life to the study of languages. I will die before I finish, of that I am certain. The reason is simple. There is too much to learn. No one person can grasp it all. Last week, a student in the daily etymology class tipped me off to a language...
by Dwane | May 14, 2019 | Uncategorized
Just finished teaching the early morning etymology class. Cancelled the rest of this morning’s classes. Thought I could teach sick, but can’t. The first class didn’t go so well. Back tomorrow. I am sorry, guys. Some sickness is running through...
by Dwane | May 13, 2019 | Uncategorized
I received this question: Do we still have access to the website to go back and work on chapters? We have enjoyed the class and will look forward to doing it again next year. Here is my reply: Yep. There are quite a few things about my site people find hard to...
by Dwane | May 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
I have followed Robert Kiyosaki for years. I have read his book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad many times. And, I have played his game, Cashflow, more times than I can count. Like most people, I grew up with a negative view of the rich. It was a story by Robert Kiyosaki that...
by Dwane | May 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
I received this question: I would like your advice. My son will be homeschooling for the first time next year. He has had one year of some type of Latin grammar then he’s taken Jenney’s First Year Latin and just finished Wheelock’s. If grades are any indication, he’s...
by Dwane | May 9, 2019 | Uncategorized
The end of the school year is a terribly busy time of the year for me. I am guessing it is for you as well. I have received many questions via email during the last week. I am using today to catch up. You should be hearing from me soon. Whenever I get overwhelmed, I...
by Dwane | May 8, 2019 | Education
It’s college season. Every week now, I get requests from students. “Would you please write a recommendation letter for me? I am trying to get into college.” I always do it. I like to help. But, I am always conflicted. College, for me, was a...
by Dwane | May 7, 2019 | Uncategorized
Most of my classes end this week. Lingua Latina 1 and 2 Roma Aeterna Italian 1 Third Year Latin by Robert Henle Second Year Latin by Robert Henle Here are the classes that will continue for a bit longer… Word Up: Live! will continue for a few more weeks. Greek...
by Dwane | May 6, 2019 | Uncategorized
I have taught Cicero’s writings for years. If you are in Classical Conversations, that’s Third Year Latin by Robert Henle. I was excited to teach the book… in the beginning. I was discouraged to find that, after almost twenty years of teaching,...
by Dwane | May 4, 2019 | Uncategorized
“The old system where every child was locked away and set into nonstop, daily cut throat competition with every other child for silly prizes called grades is broken beyond repair. If it could be fixed it could have been fixed by now. Good riddance.”...
by Dwane | May 3, 2019 | Education, Latin
Every now and then I get requests like this one. Hi! I want to put a Latin message on my daughter’s Graduation sign for our yard. Do you have any ideas? Thanks! Here is my reply: How about Per aspera ad astra.” It means, to the stars through difficulties....
by Dwane | May 2, 2019 | Uncategorized
I received this question: Do you have the class schedule for Latin in the fall? Also, does how much of your Lingua Latina 1 class equate to Henle 1? We are in Classical Conversations and my daughter really struggles remembering the vocabulary and doing the charts. ...
by Dwane | May 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
This is more for me than for anyone else. I find the accent marks in Greek and Latin frustrating. I have been studying both languages for over 20 years. The accent marks in both languages have helped me exactly not at all. But, they have been a great hindrance and a...
by Dwane | Apr 30, 2019 | Uncategorized
I received this question: Hi Dwane, I read through your FAQ and I have a question about jumping from Henle 1 to Latin Lingua Latina 2. My daughter is finishing Ch1/Henle1 and we are going to take a break from CC. I want her to have another year of Latin. Is there a...
by Dwane | Apr 29, 2019 | Uncategorized
A Visual Latin student spotted a couple of mistakes: In Visual Latin, lesson 16b, sentence 8: “Ovis non apud lupum in silvam est”, shouldn’t silvam be in the ablative, rather than the accusative since the wolf is in the forest? In Visual Latin,...
by Dwane | Apr 28, 2019 | Uncategorized
I received this question: Hello, Dwane. I have recently started homeschooling my 3 kids. We are doing a mix of Essentials and Challenge B Classical Conversations curriculum in order to close some gaps before we advance. We have started Henle Latin 1 but, after 5 ...
by Dwane | Apr 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
by Dwane | Apr 26, 2019 | Uncategorized
Dorothy Sayers passed some wisdom on to Latin educators years ago. She had a simple plan. Why not read the easier books in Latin, like the New Testament, before moving on to the tremendously difficult authors of the Augustan age? Fat chance. They ignored her then,...
by Dwane | Apr 25, 2019 | Uncategorized
It’s official. I am going to teach Spanish and French next year. Honestly, I think I am just rebelling against Henle Latin. So, so, so tired of that series. Needed something to excite me. So, Spanish and French it is. I have studied Spanish extensively, and...
by Dwane | Apr 24, 2019 | Latin, Online Classes, Visual Latin
Most of my students stay with me for three years. Students will typically take Latin 1, 2 and 3 before moving on. At $25 a month, that’s $300 a year. Remember, That’s access to every class I teach for $300. That’s $300 for the entire family. This...
by Dwane | Apr 23, 2019 | Uncategorized
I received this question: Do you have the class schedule for Latin in the fall? Also, does how much of your Lingua Latina 1 class equate to Henle 1? We are in Classical Conversations and my daughter really struggles remembering the vocabulary and doing the charts. ...