National Latin Exam?

Thinking of adding a new class to my site. National Latin Exam. This class would meet each morning (except weekends) to practice old exams. We would meet at 5:45 am central time zone (because I only have time in the mornings). We would meet for about 45 minutes or...

Please read this before you cancel….

Most of my students stay with me for three years. Students will typically take Latin 1, 2 and 3 before moving on. At $25 a month, that’s $300 a year.  Remember,  That’s access to every class I teach for $300.  That’s $300 for the entire family.  This is not a per...

Boost your word power with this free class

I’ve brought the early morning etymology class back.  Anyone is welcome to join for free. Just one catch.  You’ve got to get up early. Here’s the link:

Roman chariots and the Space Shuttle

A friend of mine forwarded this email to me.  This is pretty amazing. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ For better or worse, there are so, so, so many ways we are still living in the shadow of Rome.  The...


I received this question: Hi, I am working through Visual Latin.  We love the program.  We are on Lesson 10.  I’m confused on the Reading and Translation.  We learned that Predicate Adjectives have to match with the subject nouns that they are describing.  This...

Buy a bigger pizza.

Quick tip this week.  First, some background.  I love pizza.  I have not figured out how to provide for my family as a pizza blogger.  I would if I could. (It’s true, Latin.  I would leave you for pizza.  I am sorry.  Gosh… it feels good to admit that...

I tried.

Sequence of tenses in Latin is a bewildering concept.  Here, I attempted to explain it clearly (Sorry about the poor...

Be thankful you are not in one of those buses

I read this article once every few months.  It reminds me why I will never allow my children to enroll in a government school. ================================================================================================== Picture this. You’re driving down the...

Alert: Lots of problems in the live classes today.

Guys, I don’t know what has happened, but today it seems the audio is not working in any of my live classes.  I will continue to work on the problem and will re-schedule any classes that are interrupted.  I am sorry, everyone.  This is pretty rare, but it does...

Class from this morning…

Word Up: Live! is back.  Here is the class from this morning.  We are going to be working our way through the Lingua Latina vocabulary.  The class, which meets a 5 AM central time zone, is free to all.  However, the old classes are only available to...

Word Up: Live! is back…

Years ago, my students and I created a master vocabulary document for Lingua Latina. My old site wouldn’t allow me to give it away for free. My new site does. Sooo… here you are: *Vocabulary for Lingua Latina You may also like to know that I will be going...

Live Q&A Tonight!

Visual Latin? Online classes? Henle Latin? Lingua Latina? Confused? From now until May, I will be hosting live Q&A webinars on Monday nights… starting tonight.  No charge. Here is the...


I haven’t sent an email out on a Saturday in quite some time. The truth is, January and February were pretty dark days.  I sank rather low and just didn’t feel like I had much to offer.  So, I didn’t offer much. But, things are improving.  And, I am...

My son is 12. Can he join the Lingua Latina class?

I received this email.  I tried to respond, but it bounced back.  So… I am responding here: Hello — My son will be 12 1/2 at the start of the next school year.  He (in fifth grade) took a class which covered the first six capitulums of your book, Lingua...


As I have said many times, I am not anti-college.  And, I am by no means anti-education.  I believe you should get as educated as you possibly can.  I believe you should never stop learning. But… I am anti-debt. I subscribe to multiple online newsletters.  This...

Live Q&A coming up!

Visual Latin? Online classes? Henle Latin? Lingua Latina? Confused? From now until May, I will be hosting live Q&A webinars on Monday nights. No charge. Here is the link:

Latin and Harry Potter

Some of you know that I am a big Harry Potter fan.  Yes, yes.  I know the objections.  Put your hands down. I taught a short series of classes on the books.  The classes explain why I like the books so much.  The series is available to subscribers on my site. Most...


Someone just alerted me.  Another problem on my site.  That’s okay.  There are many.  We will be working to repair them all over the next few weeks. Anyway, when you try to join my list (maybe you wanted my book) you may end up on an old page that says,...

Schedule 2018 – 2019 (RED)

Now that the new site is up and running, I can get back to work. So, back to work. People have started asking about next year’s schedule. So, here goes. First, a short story.  I once worked for a school that released upcoming schedules in three stages.  Red. ...


Okay…. thanks for being patient.  Better brains than mine figured it all out.   Everything seems to be working now.   If you have any trouble getting into previous classes, let me know. And, if you don’t encounter problems… happy learning! –...

Now we’ve got problems…

In one of her songs, Taylor Swift points out that she and a boyfriend don’t get along anymore. “Baby, now we’ve got problems.  And, I don’t think we can solve them.” I launched a new site yesterday.  And, now I’ve got problems.  I...


Well… the new site is up and I love the way it looks!  I hope you do as well. Unfortunately, there are some problems.  Some of the old classes will not play.  We are trying to figure this out.  If you are in a rush to learn Latin, hang in there.  ...

New website tomorrow… I hope.

You can tell I built my website alone.  You can also tell that I am a Latin teacher, not a website designer. Fortunately, I have a friend who knows how to design websites… and who also understands design. For the past few weeks, he has been re-designing my...