Brace yourselves.

Brace yourselves.  I am about to tick a lot of you off. When it comes to students, I deal with two types. Some of my students join my classes because they want to learn Latin, Greek, or Italian.  And, some of my students join my classes because they need a grade or a...

The Perfect Tense

In chapter 21 of Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg, we learn to use the perfect tense in Latin.  You may find this overview of the perfect tense helpful: Click to access...

Stop panicking.

I grew up with the worldview that everything was going to become increasingly worse until finally, the last few true believers would be pulled off the planet. After the rescue would come the apocalypse. I now believe that is nonsense. As Dr. Gary North says, “We...

If I am grading your work…

I don’t have much time to grade the work of my students these days.   But, over the past few years, I had committed to grading the work of many.  A few dozen of those students remain. If I had only girls in my classes, I might continue to grade.  But, that is...


I received this question: We are counting Henle 1 as high school credit. What do you recommend we assess for grades? I can grade the assignments you assign, there are your weekly quizzes – what else do you recommend? Also, how do you recommend I grade the weekly...