Public schools. Just say no.

From time to time, someone asks me to sign up as a vendor for a charter school. My reply is usually something like this. Unfortunately, no.  Too much paperwork.  Charter schools want background checks, insurance, licensing, and other bureaucratic paperwork filled out...

What I learned in school

In school, I learned that A students win. In life, I learned that A students work for C students.  And, B students work for the government. In school, I learned English grammar.  I didn’t get it.  Failed middle school twice and didn’t graduate from high...

How to teach online: Part 2

I used to be like the man who jumped on his horse and rode off in every direction. Maybe you are, too. It’s okay.  School actually teaches us to do this.  School teaches us to be distracted.   School doesn’t like what Cal Newport calls Deep Work. Think...

How to teach online. Part 1

It seems every week, someone asks me… “How did you do it?  How did you transition to teaching online?”   Well, I am going to tell you.  And, in the process, perhaps, I will be able to help you get online as well. Thanks to Covid, people don’t look down on online...

13 Assumptions That Undermine Your Children’s Future

I think it is becoming abundantly clear that the government indoctrination camps we call the public schools no longer have the best interest of the students at heart. Maybe.  I am beginning to wonder what it would take to wake people up. Perhaps the following article...

Tip #209: How did they build that blog?

Have you ever landed on a website and wondered, “How did they build that?” If the site was built with Word Press (which runs a quarter of the blogs on the internet) there’s an easy way to find out. Simply copy the url of the site and paste it into the search bar on...

How to find your grades

Hope you all are having a great break! Your grades are easy to find.  I created a short video for you.  But, it’s simple, really.  Just go to my site:  From there, find Members, then Watch Anytime, then scroll down until you see the class...

Tip #208: IGBOK

Lately, it seems all the news is bad.   Here’s some good news. You can safely ignore all the people setting their hair on fire, running in circles and panicking about climate change. When I was a kid, it was global cooling.  The world was going to perish in an ice...

Q&A / Orientation

If you are having trouble navigating my site, this will help. I am planning to offer weekly live Q&A classes this year.  Already underway, in fact. But, not too many people are showing up. Either I am doing a really good job and you guys don’t need any help,...

Tip of the Week #207: Cheaper Stamps

If you still use postage stamps, or if your business does, this could be a very useful tip. You may know that postage stamps are going up to 58 cents at the end of this month.   Currently, you can buy the “forever” stamps for 55 cents.  You can buy them on the U.S....

What is the Spanish class like?

I received this question: I have 2 students who have taken Spanish I in a class setting. Is your Spanish class for a first-year student or will the 2nd year students benefit?   Here is my reply: I’ll do my best to answer this, though I am not sure my classes are...

How to catch up in the Spanish class.

During the live classes on my site, we simply read.  Currently, we are in chapter 18 of the book and are just slowly moving forward.  I don’t know how long it is going to take.  A while, I am sure.  Another school year, at least.  Over two hundred pages to go. Since...

Spanish 2?

I received this question: I have 2 students who have taken Spanish I in a class setting. Is your Spanish class for a first-year student or will the 2nd year students benefit? Here is my reply: I’ll do my best to answer this, though I am not sure my classes are what...

Latin 1, 2, 3 and beyond…

I received this question: Hi! My son is going into 9th grade and will be taking VL1 this year (along w/LL) for 1 HS credit, then VL2 (w/LL) next year for a 2nd HS credit. He would like to get at least 3 credits in Latin for HS. What should he do afterward for his 3rd...