In case you didn’t know…

Bogged down in Visual Latin vocabulary?  You might not know this, but some time ago all of the Visual Latin vocabulary was loaded into Quizlet. You can quiz yourself with flashcards, games, and more! Just click on the link and start learning!...

Latin Pronunciation Practice

I received this question: Hello, My children are taking Visual Latin 1 as high school students. We are on week 10 where they are starting into reading the Familia Romana. We are not sure what is meant on the daily schedule for “Listening” on day 1 and day...

Demonstrative Pronouns, part 2.

It’s been a long time since loaded a video in the chalkboard series.  Long enough. I am ready to get back to creating these. In this video, you will learn more demonstrative pronouns.  These are the pronouns you use to point to something some distance away from...

How to focus on the goal.

Chances are, you are reading this because you have decided to learn Latin, or maybe Greek. Write the goal down.  Clear, written goals force you to focus.  Clear, written goals keep you on track.  Do this now!  Set a goal.  Be sure that your goal is specific. Wanting...

Why did you learn Latin?

Now and then, someone will ask me, “Why did you choose Latin?” Here’s why: I’ve always been fascinated by history.  When I was younger, I read avidly.  For the most part, I read biographies.  I enjoyed the biographies of early American explorers and...

On the road again…

Guys, I will not be around today.  My grandfather turns 90 today.  I will spend much of the day driving to a party for him. While I am on the road, here is a repost.  Of course, if you have never read this… it is a new post. It is an answer to the most common...

How to improve your life.

Gratitude: an emotion of the heart, excited by a favor or benefit received; a sentiment of kindness or good will towards a benefactor; thankfulness. From Latin gratus (pleasing, favor). Turns out, gratitude could be the secret to turning your life around.  How?  Find...

A bad trip.

“I have a New Year’s tradition. I lay all my travel dreams on the table, sort them out, prioritize, and begin the process of turning those dreams into reality.” – Rick Steves I do the same thing with my kids on New Year’s day. This June,...

How to write resolutions.

Happy New Year, everyone! Bill Myers is the online video, product development, and marketing guru. Last year, he wrote a short guide to setting up resolutions for the New Year. As you know, I am a fan of New Year resolutions.  Only if they are done correctly, though....


People either love New Year’s resolutions, or they make fun of them. I don’t know which person you are, but I fall into the first category.  I love New Year’s resolutions. Resolutions are fresh beginnings.  And, I love fresh beginnings.  I love the...

The Problem With Problems

By Seth Godin We have limits. There are challenges, limited resources, people or organizations working against you. Your knee hurts, the boss is a jerk, the systems are down. We have opportunities. There are opportunities, new sources of leverage and ideas just...


I fell of the wagon this year. In October, my wife and I had an argument.  We argue from time to time.  It’s no fun.  This one, however, was, for me, demotivating.  The fallout spilled over. For a while, I stopped blogging.  I stopped posting the “word of...

Eliminate this word in 2015

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis This is one of my favorite quotes by C.S. Lewis. I started late.  I graduated from high school late.  I was nearly 20.  I had failed English so many times in middle...

Online Vocabulary Class?

I am thinking of offering a new class in the spring. There are so many English words that come from Latin and Greek roots.  Really.  Once you start digging, it is astonishing what you find. Growing up, I had no idea how influenced our language was by Classical...

The two types of people…

“There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded.” – Mark Twain

What would you do with one year off?

How One Simple Christmas Gift Helped Harper Lee Write One of the Most Profitable Books of All Time By Brian Warner Merry Christmas. Hopefully you didn’t ask for the standard iPad, PlayStation, Beats by Dre, smartphone etc. and instead you decided to think a...

Lingua Latina. Read it again.

I received this question: Is there a particular grammar book for Latin that you would recommend reading and re-reading? Here is my reply: Yes.  There is. Short answer: Lingua Latina by Hans Orberg. Long answer: I looked for an answer to this question for years....

Distractions and Attractions.

My family and I are in East Tennessee this weekend.   For the last fifteen years or so, we have spent at least some of our Christmas vacation out here. Teaching can be a tough way to make a living, but, there are some perks to the job.  Teachers get much more time...

Good reminder.

“Sadly my favorite activity — spending time with my kids — is now denied me. Alex and Stephen are 24 and 21, busy with their own lives, and too old to hang out with mom and dad; Stephen is away at school in Pittsburgh. When they were young and the...


A few days ago, I blogged about the word influenza.  The annual malady continues to wreak havoc on my sad household. This morning, though, reading an article from Early to Rise, I discovered what could be a worse malady.  This one has wreaked havoc on many households...