105-Year-Old Cyclist sets a new record.
I love stories like this. So what's his secret? Marchand's coach and friend Gerard Mistler told the AP it's simple: He eats fruits and...
Mile IQ
I drive some beat up old cars. In fact, not long ago, one of my daughters quickly found my car in a crowded parking lot. I asked her how she did it. She replied, "It was easy, Dad. I just looked for the rough among the diamonds." Heh. The odometer on my car does...
Stick it out. Get it over with.
Every so often I receive emails from parents who are rather concerned. Usually, their sons (it's almost always their sons) have no interest in Latin. For that matter, their sons usually have no interest in school at all. They email me. They ask me what they should...
40 maps that explain the Roman Empire
I am posting this link for myself, mostly. I would post it happily for everyone. But, naturally, modern scholars can't seem to help themselves. They have included one section on Roman debauchery. This one section takes a rated G post and turns it into a rated R...
The Gallic Bore.
Every year, I used to take students through Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars. Before I say anything else, let me point something out... something that I point out all the time. The New Testament is under constant attack by scholars. It withstands all attacks. The...
Every TED talk ever.
I enjoy TED talks. I have watched many. But, this...? This just made me happy:
I have removed the grading option from my site. There is a chance I will open this option again in the future, but I am not sure. If you do not know what I am talking about, I will explain. On my site, I teach a series of Latin classes. Any family who subscribes to...
Many of you know that I was born and raised in Europe. My family moved back to the U.S. when I was 18. For years, I wanted to go back to Europe. By 19, or 20, I was planning my return. Last year, after a wait of 26 years, I returned. There are many, many reasons it...
Every rose has its thorn.
I'm beat. I spent a very long, frustrating evening online last night. A few days ago, a friend recommended that I make some changes on my site. I took his advice. I made a simple change. No big deal, right? Soon after, I noticed that my site no longer displayed...
Ten years.
The other night, a friend reminded me of an old proverb. "The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago. The next best time is now." My students often ask me, "How long did it take you to learn Latin, Mr. Thomas?" I have been studying Latin for 20 years. I am...
Inspired by the electoral race in the U.S., I decided to take a year off. A year off from media, that is. No television. No radio. No online news. As Tim Ferris puts it, I am on an "information diet". I made this decision in November. By November, most Americans...
Financial Peace
Years ago, I read Dave Ramsey's First Book, Financial Peace. I began to follow his advice. Then I made a foolish financial mistake. I became a teacher in a private school. Disaster followed. Eventually, my wife and I went through foreclosure. We ended up living...
Before I am crucified…
On Saturday, I sent out my usual "tip of the week". This one received quite a response. Here is what I mean: "Thank you for this! Just read it to our son. Tear in my eyes." "I may have put an edited version of this as my Facebook status (with credit to you, if...
We get one shot at this.
On Thursday, I drove to Birmingham, Alabama. There, my cousins and I carried my 92-year-old grandfather to his grave. This week was crazy busy. Visitors, travel, and a funeral. I am ridiculously behind in my work. But, I haven't been thinking about work this week....
Pronunciation help from an Italian
In the following helpful video, a native Italian speaker shows us the differences between the several Latin pronunciations:
Not yet.
Tomorrow, I'm heading to Birmingham Alabama. My family and I will be saying our final goodbyes to my grandfather. He died Sunday. I am sad. I am very sad. But, I don't see tomorrow as an overwhelmingly sad day. He lived a good, long, and happy life. He lived 92...
Not happy with me…
I received this email: We are going to be canceling our monthly payments for Henle 1 latin class. We weren't satisfied. I agree that Henle is not a great book, but it is the book we choose and the constant negativity about the book as well as the constant...
Living Forward
This week I received this note: Hi! Just wanted to let you know how we LOVE visual latin - my two older kids do it with me. : ) Are you planning to ever do a video series for visual greek? We would buy it. You probably don’t need any more things about goals but here...
The National Latin Exam
I have decided to offer a National Latin Exam preparation class. During this class, we will practice taking the National Latin Exam together. Students will have the opportunity to ask specific questions during class. Classes will meet once a week during the spring...
As I blog my way through my study of Italian, I am considering bring the "Word of the Day" back. For several years, I posted consistently. Then, in the craziness that was for me 2016, I dropped the ball. But, I miss it. I am going to attempt to resurrect the habit....
People need to be reminded…
In church last Sunday, the pastor quoted Samuel Johnson. "People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed. " If you hang out on my blog at all, you know that I like DuoLingo. I have explored many, many language sites, and have purchased many,...
Classes resume today.
If you are in one of my online classes, and if you are wondering... yes. Classes resume today. There are no scheduled breaks between now and May. We have a long road in front of us. However, I may be adding unscheduled breaks. My family and I are considering a...
Parental success
There is always time for this…
Like you, I subscribe to several "tips of the week." This morning I received one from Bill Meyers. I was already working on my own "tip of the week" when his showed up. It's good. I am going to postpone mine and share his. You really can change your life, my...
Not sure about the online Latin classes? This may help…
This note made me happy: Let me start by telling you how happy I am to have found your website!! You have totally revolutionized the way we study Latin in my home. 🙂 This will be my 4thyear being a Challenge director for Classical Conversations, therefore 4 years...
Next year?
I received this question: I am planning out our 2017-18 school year. We have been involved in Classical Conversations for seven years now. Due to some changes in our family, we will be taking the year off from CC. I am looking into online Latin classes for our son and...
From Latin to Italian
As many of you know, I'm studying Italian. This year, I hope to blog my way through the language. I am going to attempt to post something about Italian, or about my trip through Italian, every day. For starters, let me explain why I am starting Italian even though...
Beyond Word Up….
I received this question: I have a few of questions about Beyond Word Up: Is it in the same format as Word Up? How many lessons are there? Since it's not a live class, do you have to sign up for a year or just a couple months? Here is my reply: No. Unfortunately, it...
Many people make fun of New Year's resolutions. Not me. I'm a fan. Of course, I don't always refer to them as resolutions. I call them goals. Today is the last day of the year. On December 31st of every year, I print my resolutions/goals for the upcoming year....
Hey, Europe. Stop apologizing. Hey, America. Wake up.
I majored in History in college. I never heard any of this. Did you hear any of this when you were in college? I doubt it. Author Douglas Wilson comments on this same subject in a post from 2011 entitled, Seven Memes for Keeping...
Ignore the rest.
One of my favorite living authors is Bob Bly. His writing is full of practical, no-nonsense advice. I usually leave his articles with an idea I can use right away. Today, this showed up in my inbox. I found this inspiring. Perhaps you will as well....
What now?
I received this question: So what do you recommend after we have completed Latin 2?? Here is my reply: Ah. What a question. This rant may help: And, this page may help: There...
General questions
I received the following series of questions: Can you give me a little more info about this? How many video lessons per week is it designed for to get through in 1 year? I per day 5 days a week? Or 1 lesson per 5 days of work? Is it sent to our email address? Here is...
Am I doing okay?
I received this question: Is it ok that I can’t translate very well at this point? It will come eventually, right? I just want to know if I am on track OR if should I spend extra time reading Lingua Latina and going over the vocabulary? Here is my reply: Good...
A bad poem, and a better story.
This Christmas, I am thankful for many things. You are high on the list. A few years ago, I launched my site praying that I could survive for a year. Now, heading into my third year, I am thankful for you. You have kept me going. As you know, I teach Latin online....
The oldest know inscription of the name Yahweh.
Last March, my family and I became friends with Joel and Cathy Kramer and their kids. Cathy had wanted to attend a Harry Potter class that I offered in 2015. She was living in Jerusalem at the time and, due to time differences, was not able to attend the class. She...
This note made me happy.
I received this email over the weekend: "Your classes have been wonderful, and for the first time Latin is actually making since to me and both my children. I am so thankful for you and your resources. Thank you, again, for all that you do because you are helping so...
This week, one of my students sent this email to me: Hi, Mr. Thomas! "I'm trying out this program called UnrollMe, which is supposed to send you all your subscription emails in one email, at one time, every day. I don't know how many of those you have, but I thought...
The quote I live by
Sometimes, I really want to sleep in. Usually, I don't. When I do, I regret it. When my alarm goes off, I have trained myself to think of this quote by C.S. Lewis. "If we let ourselves, we shall always be waiting for some distraction or other to end before we can...
Good riddance.
Once, back when I was teaching in the classroom, my students were laughing at the Romans. They couldn't believe that the Romans actually worshiped their political leaders. It happened to be just after the 2012 presidential election season. Barack Obama had just...
Some impressive work from an impressive student…
A 15 year-old girl sent a homework assignment to me. Here are the first three questions and answers: 1. Quid fecit Achilles? Hectorum ducem Troianum interfecit atque corpus eius mortuum post currum suum traxit circum moenia Urbis troiae. 2. Quid fecit...
A few days ago, one of my kids reminded me of Babadum. How do I forget this stuff? I used to use Babadum. Then I forgot about it. Now it's back. I am no big fan of flashcards. But, if the flashcards help you with pronunciation, I am a big fan. Babadum is a fun...
Some warnings.
You can join EVERY CLASS I teach with ONE simple subscription option. That’s correct. Subscribe once and you will have access to each and every class I teach. Not only that, all subscriptions are FAMILY subscriptions. Everyone in the family is welcome to enroll. I...
Lighten up!
Like over 20 other Americans, I suffer from a desire to reach personal goals. Around this time of year, I start planning the next. William James once said, "Think in the morning. Act in the noon." I'd like to add one more sentence. "Laugh in the evening." By the...
Algebra, Geometry and the Kardashians.
Ah… Henle. Sigh.
Henle Latin is full of some of the most brutal sentences you'll ever translate. One of my students just included this note to any national security agency might be reading our emails: "To any NSA member reading this, no I'm not a terrorist who either owns, or...
Becoming an Essentialist
Years ago, I owned a house with a big backyard and a decent sized front yard. I would spend almost all of my Saturdays mowing, raking, or maintaining that yard. It would sometimes take 8 or 9 hours. My wife and I sold the house and moved into a condominium. We did...