Latin pronunciation?

I received this question: My daughter is having trouble with accents marks. Since these are used to determine the pronunciation of a letter/word, where do you suggest she review? Would a random YouTube video of Latin alphabet pronunciations suffice or is there...

The two buses

I read this article every year.  I read it because I need to be reminded.  I read it because it’s brilliant. ================================================================================================== Picture this. You’re driving down the highway with...

My current favorite quote. :-)

“Dwane, your site offers SOOO much.  It’s not that I’m not THRILLED with your prices and costs — everything you offer to members – for the price is truly— well….  I just wanted to say that I would GLADLY pay more for the family membership!”  –...

A second interview with Mike Thomas

Last night I interviewed Mike Thomas again.  Mike has written a book on dyslexia (available here: He also runs the site Dealing With Dyslexia at Here is our interview from last...

Live Q&A tonight.

Just a reminder. Back again with a live interview and Q&A Tonight.   At 7 pm (CTZ), I will be conducting another interview with Mike Thomas, dyslexia expert, from the site: His book is available right here:   At 8 pm...

Can I join the second half of the Lingua Latina class?

I received this question: Would my daughter be equipped to take Lingua Latina 2 if she finishes through Henle 1 lesson 26? Here’s my reply: Unfortunately, it isn’t likely.  Here is why.  First Year Latin by Robert Henle teaches students 497 words, and most of...

Book Review #5: First Year Latin by Robert Henle

Some time soon, my students and I will finish reading First Year Latin by Robert Henle. I read this book every year. First things first.  Praise where praise is due. First Year Latin by Robert Henle will take you to a New Testament reading level.  Sort of.  More on...

Lots of free help

The Latin Library is a remarkable source of free Latin help. Start here: By clicking on the links you will find lots of helpful downloads.  For example, this week a student sent this helpful link to third conjugation -io...

Summer Classes?

July and August are just too hot in Tennessee.  I am going to try to stay inside. Ergo… I am planning to teach several summer classes. Here is what I am thinking at the moment. A crash course English grammar (English grammar helps with Latin grammar, and vice...

Dealing with dyslexia.

Last night, I interviewed Mike Thomas, from the website I really enjoyed this interview.  This is a subject I knew little about.  This interview helped broaden my own understanding of the subject. The full interview is here:   Feel free...

Live Q&A link…

Live Q&A starting in a few minutes. At 7 pm central time zone, I will be interviewing an expert in dyslexia. At 8 pm central, the live Q&A/Orientation will begin. The first hour will be recorded. Register...

Live Q&A tonight!

Questions about Visual Latin? Online Latin? Or, just Latin? Live Q&A/orientation class tonight. Also… At 7pm (CTZ), I will be interviewing an expert on dyslexia. At 8pm (CTZ), I will start the live Q&A. No charge. Register here (or by clicking Q and A...

Tests and Quizzes? Don’t wait for me.

I received this question: My daughter is in your Henle 3 Latin class.  Do you provide any grade for the class?  Thanks for the info. Here is my reply: Unfortunately, no. As this has been the first year I’ve ever taught Third Year Latin by Robert Henle, I am...

National Latin Exam?

Thinking of adding a new class to my site. National Latin Exam. This class would meet each morning (except weekends) to practice old exams. We would meet at 5:45 am central time zone (because I only have time in the mornings). We would meet for about 45 minutes or...

Please read this before you cancel….

Most of my students stay with me for three years. Students will typically take Latin 1, 2 and 3 before moving on. At $25 a month, that’s $300 a year.  Remember,  That’s access to every class I teach for $300.  That’s $300 for the entire family.  This is not a per...

Boost your word power with this free class

I’ve brought the early morning etymology class back.  Anyone is welcome to join for free. Just one catch.  You’ve got to get up early. Here’s the link:

Roman chariots and the Space Shuttle

A friend of mine forwarded this email to me.  This is pretty amazing. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ For better or worse, there are so, so, so many ways we are still living in the shadow of Rome.  The...


I received this question: Hi, I am working through Visual Latin.  We love the program.  We are on Lesson 10.  I’m confused on the Reading and Translation.  We learned that Predicate Adjectives have to match with the subject nouns that they are describing.  This...

Buy a bigger pizza.

Quick tip this week.  First, some background.  I love pizza.  I have not figured out how to provide for my family as a pizza blogger.  I would if I could. (It’s true, Latin.  I would leave you for pizza.  I am sorry.  Gosh… it feels good to admit that...

I tried.

Sequence of tenses in Latin is a bewildering concept.  Here, I attempted to explain it clearly (Sorry about the poor...

Be thankful you are not in one of those buses

I read this article once every few months.  It reminds me why I will never allow my children to enroll in a government school. ================================================================================================== Picture this. You’re driving down the...