Word Up: Live!

Here is the most recent episode of Word Up: Live! Though the class is still experimental, I have decided to extend it for one more week.  I am closer to extending it indefinitely.  But, I am a guy.  Commitment makes me nervous. Anyway, if you want to join, and if...


Circumlocution: an indirect way of speaking when you would rather avoid speaking clearly, speaking directly, or getting to the point. An evasive way of speaking.   Try to get a straight answer out of a politician. Good luck. Politicians are known for their...

A new series I am testing…

I am testing a new series.  In this series, I will take students through some of the English to Latin sentences in First Year Latin by Robert Henle.  Due to technical incompetencies, this video ends abruptly after sentence four.  Nonetheless, I’d like to hear...


My girls and I were reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis when the word colloquialism popped up.  Here is the sentence: “In my talks, I used all the contractions and colloquialisms I ordinarily use in conversation.”  – C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity.  I asked...

Still catching up

I know so many of you are waiting to hear from me.  You will.  I will catch up.  Too tired to go on tonight.  Back Monday. Have a happy Sunday, everyone!


Good morning, Everyone! It’s 5 AM and I am trying to start class, but GoToWebinar will not open for me.  Too cold. perhaps? Still trying…. ================================================= Okay.  It is now about 10 after 5 and I am having no luck.  I will...


It is strange to write what I am about to write.  After all, my site is dedicated to Greek and Latin.  You wouldn’t think that I would have much to do all day, actually.  But, I am sad to say, my resources have been stretched to capacity. And this has had...


Another terrifying thought from Word Up: Live! Luposlipaphobia: fear of being chased around the table by timber wolves. From Latin lupus (wolf), English slip, and Greek φόβος (fear). (Thanks, Gary Larson). Join for free.  Jennifer and Kimberly are getting up at 4:30...

Word Up: Live (Day two)

As some of you know, I am running a ridiculous experiment. Late this year, I lost the ability (okay, okay… the will) to rise early.  I wanted to pick the habit up once again but wasn’t quite certain how to motivate myself to do. So, I decided to...

Word Up: Live!

Happy Christmas, everyone! I hope yours was great. Here’s a day after gift for any word lovers…. In order to motivate myself to rise early once again (I have let the habit go), I am teaching a live etymology class each weekday at 5 A.M. (central time...

Margin time.

Dwane Thomas’ Tip of the Week – December 23, 2017 ================================================= This is a good time of the year to stop and think.  It’s a good time of the year to turn the noise off and spend time with the people you love. I was...

Missed class?

Many of my students did not receive a link to today’s classes.  I am trying to figure out what went wrong.  I apologize. Meanwhile, I am converting the classes right now and will be posting them in the member’s only section soon. Here is a Christmas cookie...

Why would you cancel?

There is a glitch in my system. Sometimes, when customers cancel, they are still charged.  The solution is simple.  Just contact me to let me know that you have canceled and I will double check your account.  I will make sure your account is canceled. But, while we...

Schedule December 18 – 23

REMINDER: We will have class this week on December 19, 20, and 21.  Then, we will take a two-week break and will be back on January 9. I recently realized that the syllabi I created for my classes some time ago are off. Rather than update them every year, which I just...

A reason for the silence…

After 20 years in condos, my family and I (rather suddenly) are moving into a house. It has been a nutty week.  I like to blog daily, and I desperately try to stay on top of email.  But, this week has been a hurricane of moving and cleaning. I will be back soon, and I...

Put that song on repeat.

Dwane Thomas’ Tip of the Week – December 9, 2017 =================================================== If you are anything like me, and I know I am, sometimes you want to listen to a song over and over again.  I do this often when I am up late answering...

After Greek 1?

I received this question: Hey Mr Dwane, I know this is an early question but what will we do next (school) year for greek? Will we run through Machen’s book again? Is there a second Machen book? Would you consider starting a class that just went straight through the...


“We really enjoy the Latin and appreciate the time and effort that it takes to put together a full course.  Your touch of humor and simple (easy to understand) style make enjoyable an interesting subject.” – Julie

Visual Latin and the AP Latin exam.

I received this email: Hello Mr. Thomas. I really really love your courses and videos. As a matter of fact your videos convinced me to take Latin as a second language in school. Although in school, the class is slow and I like fast paces in language learning. As my...

Letter of the week. :-)

We are so appreciative of the service you provide for the homeschooling community! I work in a small local homeschool bookstore, and it is hard for people to find a quality way to teach their children Latin (& Greek!). What you have provided is such an excellent...

This week’s class schedule.

I recently realized that the syllabi I created for my classes some time ago are off. Rather than update them every year, which I just do not have time to do, I am going to try to announce the class schedules every week here in the blog. Here goes: Lingua Latina 1:...

Hotter Coffee

Dwane Thomas’ Tip of the Week – December 2, 2017 ================================================= Warning.  The tip this week is completely based on a First World Problem (FWP). This time of year, my wife and I really enjoy coffee.  And also… the...