Errata: Visual Latin Test 30

I received this comment: “We are on the test for lesson 30 and beginning in question 16 some of the sentences on the test and the sentences in the answer key don’t match.  Number 16 on the test says: Illa lux clarrisima est and the answer key says: Illa...

Eat that Frog!

I received this inquiry:  “I know the Henle Latin class is going to carry over into the summer or Fall, which also leads me to the question: when do you plan to have the class which finishes the Henle Latin 1 book? How many weeks/classes will it be?” Here...

Conquer your greatest fear!

Every now and then, some university, or some newspaper will remind us of our greatest fears. I am always thankful for such articles.  After all, if I am having an excellent day, what I really need is for some staff writer at a newspaper to remind me that spiders...


I’ve been silent for a few days. Have not posted the word of the day. There is a reason. It’s a good one. I’ve been hiding out. I was nervous. My anatidaephobia had flared up again. Anatidaephobia derives from the Latin word for duck, anas and the...

English to Latin: Henle Latin Ex. 60

My First Year Henle students and I are finishing up a year-long online course.  It’s been a slog.  This just is not the most exciting Latin book. We were never really able to complete the English to Latin exercises.  This summer, in preparation for next year, I...

After Visual Latin?

I received this inquiry: If we took VL 1 this year (30 lessons), can my student take the online Latin II or should we take online Latin I ?  Just wondering because the chapters covered in LL Online I are fewer than those covered in in VL I. Hi! It all depends on the...


Every year, about this time, I get tired.  Weary.  Blown. I’m going to be honest.  I am no big fan of the educational system we have here in America. Sir Walter Scott once said, “All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their...


Prognosis: In medicine, the art of foretelling a disease; knowing beforehand the cause of a disease. We can also use the word prognosis to forecast. When it comes to the weather, for example, it is difficult to make an accurate prognosis. Prognosis is “pre-knowledge.”...


Acquaint: to make known; to make familiar Isaiah, prophesying the coming Christ, called him a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Acquaint comes from the Latin preposition ad (to, toward) and the verb cognosco (I know).

Henle First Year Latin exercise 53

Learn to diagram participle and gerunds while translating from English to Latin! Oh, yeah.  That is pretty exciting. For those of you slogging through Robert Henle’s First Year Latin, this video may...

Back to the Future.

I keep coming back to a common theme. I grew up with a very negative worldview.  The world was getting worse.  Crime was on the rise.  Wars were on the rise.  Poverty, famine, communism, socialism and even totalitarianism was on the rise. George Orwell’s vision...

I know, right?

The ancient Greek word γιγνώσκω (gignosko) means I know.   From this word, English derives all kinds of brainy words.  Gnostic, agnostic, prognosis, and diagnosis derive from γιγνώσκω.  To say, “I know,” the Romans would use the Latin word cognosco.  From...

Is Fables and Foundations Latin 3?

I received this question: Which of your fall classes would you recommend that our daughter take next?  Is she ready yet for Foundations & Fables? Sorry, I am still confused—I think I need to back up and ask what Latin level she is completing when she is done...

Conquer your greatest fear.

Every now and then, some university, or some newspaper will remind us of our greatest fears. I am always thankful for such articles.  After all, if I am having an excellent day, what I really need is for some staff writer at a newspaper to remind me that spiders...

Latin 3 and 4?

I received this inquiry (It is multifaceted, and quite long.  You have been warned): Thanks for offering these online classes–it has been a great experience for our daughter (Henle I, Wed. @ 3pm CST)!  She has loved learning Latin with you, and would like to...

F. A. Q.

I am spending more and more time on my computer. I have five kids.  I have forgotten the names of two of them. Yep.  It’s getting bad. Why it took me so long, I will never know, but, I re-structured the Frequently Asked Question page this morning.  Basically, I...

AP Latin?

I received this inquiry: Comment: Hi. I have a son needing to prepare for AP Latin exam next year. Do you offer a Virgil class that helps with that? Here is my reply: Hi! I currently do not offer classes that would help your son with the AP Latin exam.  I am...

Can I just watch the recordings?

I received this inquiry: “I am interested in signing my daughter up for your online class next year, however Tuesdays from 3-3:55 she will be in Speech and Debate class.  Is the format of this class such that she will succeed just watching the recorded classes? ...

Lingua Latina… Where do I begin?

At least once a month, someone will contact me with this question: “What do I order if I want to start reading Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg?” This is a good question. After all, Lingua Latina is completely in Latin.  If you try to order it, there is a very...

Latin 3

I received this inquiry: I watched your YouTube video about online class offerings and the sibling discounts, and was excited to learn you’re considering a class that could be an alternative to Henle 2 (which we’ve signed up for already). If that class becomes...

What does Visual Latin cover?

Well, Latin, of course! 🙂 Every now and then I get a question about the content of Visual Latin. Here is what the course covers: Specific lessons include: A. Why Study Latin? B. How Does Visual Latin Work? 1. Being Verbs Basics | To Be and Not to Be 2. Being Verbs...


Cyclometer: an instrument used to measure circular arcs.  Like you, I have no idea what that actually means. However, I do understand this.  A cyclometer is an instrument you can attach to a bicycle to measure the distance you travel. Since biking is my favorite...

English to Latin with Henle

This summer, some of my Latin students and I will finish up a year long slog through First Year Latin, by Robert Henle. Even in a year long course, there is no way to get to it all. For a while, I have been working my way through the book, creating videos using the...


Circumlocution: indirect speaking; a roundabout or indirect expression; use of superfluous words to express an idea. If you are not willing to get right to the point, or if, for some reason, you need to soften the force of direct speech, you might use circumlocution....


Recycle: to use again, to convert waste into material usable once again. Recycle comes from the Latin words re (back, again) and the Greek word κύκλος (kuklos), a circle, a wheel. Incidentally, I have a small public service side business.  I recycle old five dollar...