Feeling lost and needing some help…

I received this email: Hey there Mr. Thomas, you may remember me I have sent a couple e-mails in the past. I went through your entire visual Latin course in order to learn Latin as my highschool language credit, and in doing so discovered a deep love for Latin and...

An ancient fort on an ancient hill.

My family and I are currently on the Greek island of Paros.  While we are here, I am attempting to video blog (vlog) for the first time. My son, who has been vlogging every day for years, is trying to help me learn this strange new skill.  I turn 45 on Sunday.  He is...

Yes. Yes. Yes.

I think I may have located the world’s slowest internet connection.  Since I am currently in Greece, I won’t complain.  Much.  Doing my best to stay caught up, but I am falling behind. I am not extremely worried about the situation, though I certainly feel...

Henle Latin, Lingua Latina and the AP Latin exam.

I received this email: Hi Mr. Thomas, I’m planning to sign my older two children up for your classes for next school year. They’ll be in Challenge B and A in Classical Conversations, but after reading everything I can on your website, I think I’d...

Do you offer the National Latin Exam?

I received this email: Hi!  We have thoroughly searched your website, and I am wondering what you mean by offering the National Latin Exam?  How would we take that exam? We have taken it with a coop that we have been a part of, but are switching from that and doing...


This is a repost.  I wrote this in January of 2017.  It still applies.  Especially since we are back to Greece. ======================================================================================= My family and I are very likely moving back to Greece in March.  If...

Greek in a grocery store.

I am reading everything I can in a desperate attempt to learn as much Greek as possible during our month here. Yesterday, my wife and I shopped for groceries.  The grocery store is a good place to learn vocabulary, as it turns out. Since English is such a...

Jet lag and Greek pronunciation.

We have been in Greece a few days now.  We are fighting jet lag… and so far, we are not winning. My girls and I have been waking up off and on at about 2 am and are unable to fall asleep again.  I am using the dead time of the morning to study Greek. This...

Safe in Athens.

After a long day, or night, or both… I am not sure what day it is, my family and I have arrived safely in Athens. As I said in a previous post, I am back over here to study Greek.  I have not used it much yet. I was able to use other languages I have studied,...

On the road again.

Good morning, everyone! I have not posted anything in a few days, and may not post much for a few more days.  I am also behind on emails. My family and I are on the road.  We are currently in Chicago.  We drove up yesterday. From Chicago, we are making our way back to...

Can your kid do this?

One of my students sent their homework to me this week.  Check this out: ==================================================================================================  How are you doing? Thank you for teaching class. This is my homework for Chapter 32. Thank you...

Bread for dinner?

A student asks: I have had this question for over a year.  How do you translate this: I am eating bread for dinner. Is it: Edo panem cenae? “For” is a hard word for me to translate; in this context should ‘dinner’ be in the dative? Here is my...

First Year Latin in… the first year!

Hello! My question is regarding Henle Latin 1 online. I’d like my 11th-grade son to take your course, but to start it immediately. Since your classes are recorded, is there any way that after I sign up for membership we can access those recorded classes and...

First try.

Last year, while I was in Athens, Greece studying Greek, I attempted to vlog.   This is something I have never attempted, and I don’t really know what I think about it.  Anyway, I didn’t get very far.  My son wrecked in Aurora, Colorado while we were in...

Italian pronunciation

If you are trying to master Italian pronunciation (or even, Latin pronunciation), this video is very helpful. Just discovered her site a few days ago.  Checking into it more.  This looks like it is going to be an excellent resource for those of us trying to learn...

Any More Word Up DVD’s?

My boys loved your Word Up dvd and thought you were great too.  Would love to learn more about your online class? Also, is there a Word Up volume 2?  What would you recommend for 6th and 7th graders? Thank you. Gratefully…...

Word Up: Live and “Adumbrate”

Ran across an interesting quote this morning during Word Up: Live! Vocabulary.com quoted Lauren Collins from an article in the New Yorker. “More than any juice cleanse or lottery win or career switch, a foreign language adumbrates a vision of a parallel...

Go long, Hermann!

I’ve been reading The Decline and fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon. Today I came across this quote.  Gibbon is describing the Barbaric tribes far north of the Roman Empire.  Well, at least I think is.  I suppose it was possible that he was predicting...

Henle Latin again.

I received this comment: I’m looking for some help with my Latin study. I am a first year Classical Conversations Challenge B tutor. We are using Henle 1. This is my first year tutoring and also learning Latin. I’m not finding Henle very user-friendly for someone...

First Year Latin by Robert Henle – Live online!

Since Classical Conversations adopted Henle Latin as their preferred Latin textbook, we have received requests from students asking for an online Henle Latin Class.  Well… here it is! This fall, I will take students through the first year Henle course! That’s right....

Bad medicine is what I need.

I am re-reading many of the testimonials that have come in through the years.  I am mining them for some advertising ideas. Honestly, by March, I am done with Latin.  Tired of it.  If Latin came over to my house to ask to borrow an egg, I would probably throw the egg...

We are ditching Henle Latin…

I received this question: Hi Dwane, We are ditching Henle Latin and want to start Lingua Latina.  Which books do we purchase to begin your class?  We are finishing 2nd year of Henle Latin 1. Here is my reply: I try to keep it pretty simple.  You could spend a lot of...

First Year Latin by Robert Henle and Visual Latin

People often ask me, “Will Visual Latin help me with First Year Latin by Robert Henle?” Yep.  It will.  Same language, after all. In fact, a few years ago, I took some time and matched the two.  This free guide tells you which Visual Latin lesson to watch...