Run away. Change your life.

How to drastically change your life. I haven’t sent a “tip of the week” for nearly three weeks. Turns out, I don’t work very well from the road.  It’s all going to hit me when I get home. My family and I have been on the road for three...

Van on the run. Part 2.

We arrived in California about a week  ago. So… California is expensive, guys. Across the West, we have camped for as little as $10 a night.  Average.  We never had any trouble finding a campsite. Then, we made it to California.  There were no campsites...

Errata: Test 14

I received this input: Hi! In Visual Latin 1, test XIV, I think the answer the answer to question number 44 should be c) shout. She’s right.  I have changed the answer.  It should be: Puer et puella clamant.     A) sing    B) stare    C) shout     D) strum If...

Van on the Run.

I have not been around much lately.  I apologize for the complete lack of posting on the site here. Two weeks ago, my son and I were on a high-adventure Boy Scout trip.  We were out at sea for a week.  Not sure I am cut out to be a sailor.  If you ever need to...

Online class time conflict.

I received this inquiry: I’m really interested in taking Lingua Latin 1, but the time doesn’t work with my schedule.  Would you be able to offer more times for Lingua?  I’m only able to take it if it’s after 3pm MST on Wednesdays, as I take a classical course before...

Flow with disorder.

I didn’t send a tip of the week last Saturday. I spent the day adjusting to setbacks.  They consumed my mind for the day.  I did not recover until the next morning. One of my childhood friends joined the U.S. Marines after college. He is a Major now.  To put it...

Flow with Disorder.

I didn’t send a tip of the week last Saturday. I spent the day adjusting to setbacks.  They consumed my mind for the day.  I did not recover until the next morning. One of my childhood friends joined the U.S. Marines after college. He is a Major now.  To put it...

Write it down.

This one is going to be quick.  It’s 11:30 on Friday night, and I am tired.  Packing for a seven-person, six-week expedition is exhausting. In fact, it is so overwhelming, I toyed with the idea of cancelling the entire trip.  Then, my wife informed me that she...

From Visual Latin to Greek?

I received this question:Hi! We are currently in Visual Latin 1. Can we go from the full Visual Latin course (both 1 & 2) into Greek or should we take one of your online Latin courses before Greek? Are you thinking about adding Spanish in the future? Here is...

After Latin?

I received this question: Our first son was in your class this year.   We have not been involved in language study before, can you give me an idea of what might be a next step for him in regards to language study?  He really enjoys it, and from what I can tell, is...

Expectations and mistakes.

“Set aside a certain number of days, during which you shall be content with the scantiest and cheapest fare, with course and rough dress, saying to yourself the while:  Is this the condition that I feared?” – Seneca 4 BC – AD 65 I went to...

A bag of questions from Asia

I received these questions: Hi, we just signed up for the Henle class and I’m noticing there are only 31 webinar classes. Your site said it was a 41-week class.  Are you no longer covering the entire book (42 lessons)? We have already worked through the 36th...

Lingua Latina, Henle, Visual Latin?

I received this question: Hi Dwane,  First of all I have to say after watching your sample lessons of Visual Latin, I absolutely LOVE IT!!!   I am so happy I stumbled upon your website last night!  My question is this… I would like to order your Visual Latin 1...

I will disappear in June.

We moved often when I was young.  Dad was in the U.S. Air Force. Back then (in the 70’s and 80’s), redeployment was common.    Until moving to Franklin, Tennessee, I live in no location longer than four years.  Two years, actually, was the average.  We...

Another time conflict

I received this question: Mr. Thomas, My son has completed one year of HS Latin with a local magistra, and took your VL 2 this past year. He did well on the Intro to Latin, Latin I and Latin II NLE’s. My question/concern is what to do for Latin 3 since most...

Horses and Hondas.

For years, my old Honda’s were my financial Achilles heel. Whenever I broke away financially and managed to save a little money, my car would break down.  The savings would repair the car. I would go back to work, in my car, to save more money to repair my car...

No time for Caesar.

I received this question: My daughter would like to take the Henle II class, but she happens to have orchestra practice during your class time on Wednesdays.  Is there any chance that you might add another day/time for Henle II? Here is my reply: Hi! I am so sorry....

Summer Latin Course?

A reader asks: Do you think you would ever consider doing some sort of summer intensive for students learning Latin? Or even a supplemental online class during the summer break? Thank you! Here is my reply: Hi! You are the fourth person this week to ask this question....

Learn Latin without going broke.

Years ago, my family was foreclosed on.  We ended up living with my wife’s parents for some time.  I was a school teacher, earning a teacher’s salary.  This is not such a bad thing if you work for the government, but I was a teacher in a private school.   We had...

Thee, Thou, and all that (Part 2)

Yesterday, I blogged about the English pronoun “you.” Here is part of the post: Often you will hear people say things like, “I can’t read the King James Version of the Bible.  I get tired of the formal ‘thee’s’ and ‘thou’s.’” Funny thing is, those...

Thee, thou, and all that.

Words change.  Languages change. English shifted dramatically over the years. Here is an interesting lesson on the development of you. Often you will hear people say things like, “I can’t read...


Natality: the birth rate. In philosophy, natality is human innovation. Natality is the human ability to create new ideas out of nothing. Natality comes from the French natalité, which derives from the Latin word natal. Natal means “birthday.” Since today...

The National Latin Exam

I received this question: To get “credit” for a foreign language, my daughter needs to take the National Latin Exam and pass.  Do you have any experience preparing kids for this exam?  My daughter will take your Lingua Latina this fall.  Hopefully, she will take the...

3 Years in Latin 1? Sigh.

I received this call for help: We are currently in Classical Conversations. My daughters have been in Henle Latin 1 for 3-4 yrs. This year, we completely lost interest and decided to pull back (plus we had some family health issues). So, now, we are STILL not thru...

Word Up and the S.A.T.

I received this question: Would this and/or your Word up program be good for SAT prep? If so, would the Word Up alone be adequate as my son is taking the SAT in the fall. Here is my reply: I do intend to head that direction with the online Vocabulary class.  I will be...