by Dwane | Mar 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
Do you spend a lot of time watching television? Turn it off. According to the United States Department of Labor, Americans spend almost 3 hours a day watching television. I have seen higher numbers on other sites. But, hey, let’s give our fellow countrymen the benefit...
by Dwane | Mar 20, 2015 | Ebook, Education, English, Latin, Vocabulary
Equestrienne: a horsewoman; a female horse rider. There is not much else to say. Equestrienne comes from the Latin word for horse: equus.
by Dwane | Mar 20, 2015 | Ebook, Education, English, Greek
Do you love horses? If so, you might be a hippophile. After all, a hippophile is a lover of horses. Hippophile comes from the Greek words ἳππος (hippos), horse, and φίλος (philos): fond, loving, beloved.
by Dwane | Mar 19, 2015 | Education, Motivation
If you have followed my blog for any amount of time, you know I am a fan of the e-zine, Early to Rise. You can check out the site here: In a recent article, the editor, Craig Ballantyne, reminds us that we can use our time, though...
by Dwane | Mar 19, 2015 | Ebook, Education, English, Latin, Vocabulary
Equestrian: All things horse. This word goes in various directions, but remember, each definition has something to do with horses, or life with horses. 1. Pertaining to horses or horsemanship; as equestrian feats. 2. Being on horseback; as an equestrian lady. 3....
by Dwane | Mar 19, 2015 | Ebook, Education, English, Greek, Vocabulary
Hippology: the study of horses; equine knowledge. Whenever I teach my students new words, they start to get the hang of it. There is always one kid who attempts to create a new word by simply adding, -ology. This creates rather ridiculous words. Coffeology, Bugology,...
by Dwane | Mar 19, 2015 | English, Latin, Visual Latin
I thought some of you might find this series of exchanges interesting. A reader wants to know if he can join Henle 2 after Visual Latin…. “Is Visual Latin 1 and 2 designed to only cover Henle 1? Same question I guess, is the online course only to cover...
by Dwane | Mar 18, 2015 | Education, Latin, Q&A, Visual Latin
I received this inquiry: We currently own years 1 & 2 of Visual Latin. My daughter is enrolled in Classical Conversations where we use Henle. She is struggling and I am now wondering if we should hold off the Henle and complete years 1 & 2 of Visual Latin...
by Dwane | Mar 18, 2015 | Education, Latin, Motivation
Why did you learn Latin? Now and then, someone will ask me, “Why did you choose Latin?” I’ve always been fascinated by history. When I was younger, I read avidly. For the most part, I read biographies. I particularly enjoyed the biographies of early American...
by Dwane | Mar 18, 2015 | Ebook, Education, English, Latin, Vocabulary
Equine: Pertaining to a horse or pertaining to the equus family. The “ine” ending is a Latin attributive feature. Equine describes items related to horses. Porcine has to do with pigs. Ovine refers to sheep. Feline refers to cats, and canine describes something...
by Dwane | Mar 18, 2015 | Ebook, Education, English, Greek, Vocabulary
Hippopotamus: an animal that inhabits the Nile and other rivers in Africa. The hippopotamus resembles a hog rather than a horse. It is thought the animal was named from his neighing voice. The Hippopotamus is the third largest land animal, weighing as much as 9,000...
by Dwane | Mar 17, 2015 | Education, Latin, Visual Latin
I received this question: Is Visual Latin 1 and 2 designed to only cover Henle 1? Same question I guess, is the online course only to cover Henle 1 then? My reply: Visual Latin covers all of the grammar in Henle 1 and some of the grammar in Henle 2. Visual...
by Dwane | Mar 17, 2015 | Education, English, Latin, Visual Latin, Vocabulary
Do I need Visual Latin to use Word Up? Do you want to sound smart? Then listen to old Earl Nightingale, who once said, “Before you do anything else, master your language.” I have taught Latin and Greek for years. I know, from experience, that these languages will...
by Dwane | Mar 17, 2015 | Ebook, Education, English, Greek, Vocabulary
Hippodrome: A theater. In ancient times, a race course for horses. This word has changed quite a bit. These days, a hippodrome is a large performance locale. In the old days, a hippodrome was a horse race track. If you have ever watched Ben Hur, you have seen a...
by Dwane | Mar 17, 2015 | Ebook, Education, English, Greek, Latin, Vocabulary
Equidae: the scientific term for the horse family. Equidae is a taxonomic family containing horses and related animals. All the related animals are extinct, except those in the family Equus. The Equus family includes horses, zebras, donkeys, and onagers. Not sure...
by Dwane | Mar 16, 2015 | Ebook, Education, English, Greek, Vocabulary
Hippocampus: a mythological creature. The hippocampus was part dolphin, part horse. Archaeologists have found paintings to the hippocampus in the ruins of Pompeii. Hippocampus may also refer to a genus of fish with a neck and head that look remarkably like a...
by Dwane | Mar 16, 2015 | Ebook, Education, English, Latin, Vocabulary
Adduce: to bring forward, present or offer for consideration. To cite as evidence. The defense adduced a to prove the fact. Adduce comes from the Latin word adduco, meaning, I lead up to. Adduco derives from two Latin words. The preposition ad: to, or toward, and the...
by Dwane | Mar 16, 2015 | Latin
I received this email: “Hi! My daughter is finishing up Lingua Latina with you this semester and she is wanting to go on to do a third year (and eventually fourth year of Latin. Some of the college requirements we have looked at prefer 4 yrs of the same foreign...
by Dwane | Mar 15, 2015 | Tip of the Week
According to Frederick Bodmer, in his book, The Loom of Language, French, Spanish, and Italian derive directly from Latin. “The deeper we delve into the past, the more French, Spanish, and Italian converge. Finally, they become one in Latin, or, to be more...
by Dwane | Mar 14, 2015 | Ebook, Education, Greek, Latin, Visual Latin, Vocabulary
Hi there! At some point in the past few years, you joined an online Latin class with me. Or, perhaps it was a Greek class. I told you then that you could repeat the class for free. I am here to remind you that I was not kidding. You can repeat the class… for...
by Dwane | Mar 14, 2015 | English, Greek, Latin, Vocabulary
Aphorism: A maxim; a precept, or principle expressed in few words containing some important truth. “While there are loads of trite and silly statements, a good aphorism is supposed to stand the test of time and remain true and elegant — a very difficult...
by Dwane | Mar 14, 2015 | Latin, Motivation, The Future
Do you spend a lot of time watching television? Turn it off. According to the United States Department of Labor, Americans spend almost 3 hours a day watching television. I have seen higher numbers on on other sites. But, hey, let’s give our fellow countrymen the...
by Dwane | Mar 13, 2015 | Ebook, Education, English, Latin, Vocabulary
Abstruse: hard to understand, difficult to comprehend. English is the clearest language I have ever studied. But, perhaps that is because I did not study English formally. English teachers, it seems, like to muddy the clear waters with their abstruse writing. ...
by Dwane | Mar 12, 2015 | Ebook, English, Greek, Vocabulary
Plerophory: full confidence; total assurance. With a plerophory of assurance, each of the Avengers spoke into some imaginary, unseen, perfectly clear audio communications system. I mean, seriously, how were they able to seamlessly communicate with each other in the...
by Dwane | Mar 12, 2015 | Education, English, Latin, Vocabulary
Perfunctory – Done only for the sake of getting rid of the duty. We perform our daily perfunctory tasks with haste and, if possible with minimum effort. For instance, we tend to greet each other with perfunctory greetings. Without genuine interest, we might...