by Dwane | Apr 9, 2016 | Education, Greek, Tip of the Week
In about three weeks, Duo Lingo will release Greek. I can’t wait. Meanwhile, I guess I’ll just have to wait. This week, one of my students told me about an alternative. Memrise is an online language training course that looks promising. They have a lot...
by Dwane | Apr 8, 2016 | Education, Latin, Visual Latin
I received the following questions: Does the $25 and $50 per month class include the live classes too or just recorded? It also states all classes. Does this mean Lingua Latina as well? I’m trying to figure out if we should try and finish Henle 1 over the...
by Dwane | Apr 6, 2016 | Education, Latin, Visual Latin
I received this comment: Hello….I have 2 students in 9th grade and we are finishing Henle 1 through the Classical Conversations program. We have had to pare down the workload considerably just to be able to keep up. We will not be in the CC program next year and...
by Dwane | Apr 4, 2016 | Education, Greek, Latin, Vocabulary
If you are not in one of my current online classes, feel free to ignore this blog. It feels good to ignore unimportant stuff. I can help you feel good. If you are in one of my current online classes, this message is for you. Well, snap. It has happened. What I...
by Dwane | Mar 28, 2016 | Education, Latin
I received this question: Let me clarify. You mean that if my homeschool student has gotten through Visual Latin 1 and 2, she can then use Lingua Latina for her third year Latin. Right? Starting with the first book? The one you use for First year Latin? My daughter is...
by Dwane | Mar 28, 2016 | Latin, Visual Latin
I received this question: Hi there! My Kiddos (grades 4 & 6) will be starting Visual Latin I (with Lingua Latina) this August and will continue with Visual Latin II. I wonder if you could point me in the direction of where to go once Visual Latin II is completed?...
by Dwane | Mar 28, 2016 | Latin
I received this question: My husband was mentioning Latin comic books. Do you know of any that you would recommend? Our oldest is 13 (if that influences what you’d recommend). Thanks! We enjoy the Visual Latin series…I have learned so much, and I...
by Dwane | Mar 26, 2016 | Errata
I received this comment: We have a question about Visual Latin I Quiz 23, number 19. We expected the answer to be “D”, but it is marked “C” in the key. Doesn’t “illi” mean “those”? My 4th-grade daughter and I...
by Dwane | Mar 26, 2016 | Tip of the Week
My family and I are overseas for a while. I am here to work. We are currently in Jerusalem. In my profession, I use a lot of books. I need these books for work. Lots and lots of Latin and Greek books. To move overseas, each of us carried one backpack. We also...
by Dwane | Mar 25, 2016 | Uncategorized
I received this comment: I have been trying to do this on my own and I realize I do not know enough and need your help!!! Ha! My inquiry to you is about the cost of grading for the year, which I understand is $500. Is that the cost per each child? I will have two...
by Dwane | Mar 20, 2016 | Education, Greek, Latin, Motivation
I can barely type. For the last three days, I’ve barely been able to stand. I’ve stayed in bed and slept. How is it that when you are sick, even sleep is exhausting? Not sure what hit me. Like Katy Perry’s boyfriend, I am hot and cold. Unlike...
by Dwane | Mar 15, 2016 | Travel, Van on the Run
I received this question: If we were to sign up now, what lesson will class be on for tomorrow 3/16? Are archived classes available? Here is my reply: Good morning! There are no classes this week (March 16), next week (March 23), and the week after (March 30). I am...
by Dwane | Mar 14, 2016 | Italian, Latin, Visual Latin, Vocabulary
I received two very common questions: 1. Do you have a recommendation for a good Latin-English Lexicon that the kids can use? Mine are Latin-German so not as helpful. 2. Will you give some info on your pronunciation on the “c”. I hear it has the...
by Dwane | Mar 14, 2016 | Education, Latin
I received this question: Regarding your classes, if my 15-year-old begins your Latin program in September this coming year and is unable to finish it (struggles with the learning) by the end of the year can he continue until he completes it (i.e.,through the summer)...
by Dwane | Mar 14, 2016 | English, Grammar, Latin
I received this inquiry: In lesson 18a we have a question about one of the samples given. The topic is indirect objects (dative case). The following was the first sample: “My father gave the car to my brother.” From our understanding, “brother”...
by Dwane | Mar 14, 2016 | Travel, Van on the Run
I am doing my best to catch up on emails these days. But I am on the road. Out of town. Way out of town. I am working right now from Palestinian territory. Bethlehem, in fact. In fact, right now, it is 4:30 am and I am listening to the Muslim call to prayer....
by Dwane | Mar 12, 2016 | Motivation
As much as I like the digital tools available these days, there are some old technologies that I just can’t jettison. I always carry four items when I leave home. I take my keys, my wallet, my phone, and a small journal. This is the journal. I have been...
by Dwane | Mar 12, 2016 | Motivation, Travel
We moved often when I was young. Dad was in the U.S. Air Force. Back then (in the 70’s and 80’s), redeployment was common. Until moving to Franklin, Tennessee, I had stayed nowhere longer than four years. Two years, actually, was the average. We lived for four...
by Dwane | Mar 9, 2016 | Travel, Van on the Run
Yesterday, I heard from the mother of three former students: Just heard at the New Hope banquet that your family is traveling/moving? to Greece??? And when does all of this transpire? Please share. I am not on Facebook so we would love to hear how the Lord is...
by Dwane | Mar 8, 2016 | Latin
I received this question: My son has been making it through Henle Latin 1 this year in Classical Conversations. They are on lesson 27 and he has hit a wall. It is moving so quickly and he is at a loss. Could we join in this late in the year and just glean what we can...
by Dwane | Mar 7, 2016 | Motivation, Travel
I don’t remember how and when I discovered the blog, “The Simple Dollar”. But, It doesn’t matter. I’ve been reading it (and enjoying it) for a while now. This article resonated with me. It’s pretty much my story. Small...
by Dwane | Mar 5, 2016 | Latin, Motivation, Q&A, Visual Latin
I received this cry for help: I really need your help and advice. I am a tutor for Classical Conversations Challenge A. I have been taking your Henle 1 lessons and have been learning along with my students from Henle 1 with some Visual Latin that they have on the CC...
by Dwane | Mar 3, 2016 | Education, Latin, Visual Latin
I received this comment: We currently homeschool with Classical Conversations. I have a 5th grader in Foundations and Essentials, and an 8th grader in Challenge B. I would like to “beef” up Latin for my 5th grader to prepare her for Challenge, and I would...
by Dwane | Feb 27, 2016 | Motivation, Tip of the Week, Travel
I have never owned a new car. In two weeks, I am moving my family to Europe for four months. These two sentences are related. Cars are expensive. The average American now spends $482 per month for the “privilege” of car ownership. And, most of us own...
by Dwane | Feb 25, 2016 | Education, English, Greek, Italian, Latin, Vocabulary
For the first time in 20 years, I will not be in a classroom next school year. For the last five years, I have raced home after school to start teaching online from 3 o’clock in the afternoon until 6 o’clock in the evening, or so. The problem is, my mind...