by Dwane | Jan 29, 2016 | Education, Greek, Latin, Travel, Van on the Run
I received this question: Hi, I saw your Youtube video and enjoyed it immensely, well done. I am currently studying theology and hope to study Greek in another year or so . Someone has suggested that I learn Latin first however. Is this necessary/beneficial? And if...
by Dwane | Jan 28, 2016 | Travel, Van on the Run
Years ago, I read an article. It had quite an influence on me. I will link it at the end. In 2013, I decided to implement. My family and I drove up the East Coast from Florida to Maine. Oddly enough, we discovered that we spent less on the road than we did at...
by Dwane | Jan 28, 2016 | Latin, Visual Latin
I received this question: Since you have been kind to reply, in your experience with Henle and CC, are there any other tools you have found that would make learning the Latin easier for me or my students? Here is my reply: If you join any of my classes, you will learn...
by Dwane | Jan 28, 2016 | Education, English, Uncategorized
Have you ever wondered why animals make different sounds in different languages? Here’s the...
by Dwane | Jan 27, 2016 | Education, Latin, Visual Latin
Sigh. Another one: Thank you so much! From your links, I was looking at your Visual Latin program (the homeschool bundle). Even though we have done Henle Latin with Classical Conversations, I have found it to be confusing and frustrating. We are thinking of...
by Dwane | Jan 27, 2016 | Education, Latin
I received this email: I am so EXCITED! I totally misunderstood – I thought for both of our daughters to continue in Latin, it would be $1,000 or more. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I now see it is a family subscription. Apparently I am doing my best to...
by Dwane | Jan 27, 2016 | Motivation, Tip of the Week
Every week I send out a ‘Tip of the Week’. It could be about languages, but it does not have to be. Usually, the ‘Tip’ is something I have found helpful. My life is a little easier as a result. If it helps me, I figure it might help you....
by Dwane | Jan 26, 2016 | Education, Latin, Motivation
I received this note: Hello There, I am having a lot of confusion about Latin. Basically, I am totally lost. I am telling you this because I thought you might be able to give me some tips. I need to figure out where I stopped understanding. As you may know already I...
by Dwane | Jan 26, 2016 | Education, Latin, Travel, Van on the Run
This was in one of the forums: Did I hear something about Mr. Dwane moving to Greece?????! I’m a few weeks behind and I’m having to watch the recorded lessons because I’m in a play and we’re always practicing during class. Another student helped her out: Hi, The other...
by Dwane | Jan 23, 2016 | Education, Latin, Spanish
I received this question: What you recommend for Latin for younger kids? We have heard from other moms that their older Challenge students really struggle having little to no Latin background. Our kids soak everything up right now and we would love to give them a...
by Dwane | Jan 23, 2016 | Tip of the Week
I am pretty tired this morning. I was up ’till midnight sledding with my kids. Truth is, the hills were not fast enough, so I was dragging sleds full of laughing children behind my old chevy pick-up truck. Abandoned parking lots are fun. Tennessee...
by Dwane | Jan 21, 2016 | Greek, Latin, Motivation, Travel, Van on the Run
One of the fastest ways to learn anything is to teach what you want to learn. There is an old Roman proverb, docendo discimus. It means, “We learn by teaching.” I live by this motto. When I decided to learn Latin, I volunteered to teach Latin. When I...
by Dwane | Jan 20, 2016 | Education, Latin
I received a grab bag of questions: I am aware that you offer next level options, but I don’t know which to put them into or how it works; should both simply start in the first year, Lingua Latina, Chapters 1-19? Do you have a scope and sequence that can be...
by Dwane | Jan 20, 2016 | Education, Latin
I received this question: I am inquiring for some advice regarding my son’s Latin experience. He is a senior in high school with about six more months of school left. We are about one-third of the way through the Fourth Form Latin series by Memoria Press....
by Dwane | Jan 19, 2016 | Education, Latin
I received this question: I have a Henle I and II students at home. They both have reached a point where they need additional support. I don’t need you to grade their work, I’m keeping up with that and as you say it makes me better at Latin, too. I am a...
by Dwane | Jan 19, 2016 | Uncategorized
I received this question: Would you mind guiding our family in the direction we should go next? My daughters are currently in Visual Latin II, lesson 43, and have read comfortably to Chapter 12, in Lingva Latina. I am in the process of planning our 2016-2017 home...
by Dwane | Jan 18, 2016 | Education, Grammar, Latin, Visual Latin
I received this question: After working through the final test together yesterday, we had to look up some answers because we could not figure them out from what we learned. On questions 8&9, you ask us to find the imperative of amo and venio. I went to part B,...
by Dwane | Jan 18, 2016 | Education, Greek, Latin, Van on the Run
I received this question: I hear you are moving to Greece soon! That’s exciting! How will that impact the end of this course? Here is my reply: I hope that my move will have no impact at all on the end of the course. I had two weeks scheduled for spring break...
by Dwane | Jan 16, 2016 | Tip of the Week
If you own a small business, or if you are thinking of starting one, you may find this information helpful. Simply plug in your zip code and you will get all kinds of information. What is the average income for your community? What percentage of your community has 3...
by Dwane | Jan 16, 2016 | Latin
I received this question: What else can I be doing to apply the book other than pronunciation and translation? Here is my reply: With Lingua Latina, there is always more you can do. Tackle all of the Pensa at the end of each chapter. If you really want to go to the...
by Dwane | Jan 15, 2016 | Uncategorized
“A schedule defends from chaos and whim.” – Annie Dillard
by Dwane | Jan 15, 2016 | Education, Latin
I received this question: Can we receive a discount? Here is my reply: I am sorry, the only discount I offer anymore is the 8% discount built into the annual subscription. I once charged an average of $300 per class. Last year, Henle Latin was $350 per class....
by Dwane | Jan 14, 2016 | Latin
I received this question: To be clear – subscription, pay fee – get access to on-line classes that have been recorded. Lingua Latina or Henle? Pay by the month or year? Here is my reply: Any subscription opens every class I teach. Come to the live...
by Dwane | Jan 13, 2016 | Education, Italian, Latin, Motivation, Spanish
I received this sad email from one of my students: I wanted to talk to you because I feel like I’m having more trouble this year compared to last. I’m able to figure out a sentence, but the fluency of being able to read or hear a sentence and understand its meaning...
by Dwane | Jan 13, 2016 | Uncategorized
I received this inquiry: I am a mother of 2 homeschoolers (age 6 and 3). I would like to include Latin in their syllabus. Could you recommend which products are best to teach Latin for young children? =================================================== Here is my...