Visual Latin Errata: Lesson 35
I received this question: Chapter 35 - Adjectives - Indefinite and Irregular Section 35A. Grammar The table at bottom of page. Singular Accusative and Ablative I suggest that accusative feminine and ablative feminine and neuter are wrong. Here is my reply: You...
French in the Fall
I received this question: We were looking at my daughter starting the French class that is listed as "resuming" on September 7th. Which volume of the books listed will the course use? Also, how much previous knowledge of French will she need to have under her belt if...
Classes this Fall.
I am getting lots of questions about the schedule for the Fall. Here is what is going on this Fall. Subject to change, naturally. I will not be teaching through Lingua Latina or First Year Latin by Robert Henle live in the fall. I have taught those books for years,...
Not really surprised.
A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within. - Will Durant Years ago, I read an interview with Mel Gibson. The author of the article was asking Mel Gibson about his movie Apocalypto. Ultimately, Mel Gibson told the...
From Troy to Rome
Last week, two of my daughters and I attempted to bike the Erie Canal in New York. Some of it, anyway. We started in Albany, on the north side, close to Troy, New York. After biking for four days, we made it to Rome, New York. The heat stopped us. New York state...
Biking the Erie Canal
A few of my girls and I are cycling the Erie Canal this week. Or, at least, we are attempting to. Long distance bike trips have been a dream of mine for a long, long time. But, I have never quite figured out how to pull it off. I wanted to bring my family along, but...
A little too ironic…
I received an email from a public school wanting to join my classes. The email included this note. This doesn't appear to be Christian, but their (sic) are biblical resources a public charter we can't pay for non-secular classes....just checking...let me...
On the road
My wife and I, and two of my girls are on the road for a bit. After his car accident some time ago, my son has moved around quite a bit. These days, he lives in Maine. We were going to drive up to Maine to see him, but Covid changed things, and we decided to meet up...
Nasty trails
It's pretty easy to see that we have a bit of a racism problem in the United States. Racism is forbidden by Christ. In his epistle to the Galatians, St. Paul says: "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are...
How do the online Lingua Latina classes work?
I received this question: My daughter just finished Visual Latin, which was so awesome, btw. And we’re very interested in her studying with you using Lingua Latina next year. Can you explain how your classes work? Does she teach herself from the book and then review...
My son wants to quit Latin. What should I do?
I received this question: I have read the FAQ's below and they have been very helpful. I have some specific questions that I hope you can give me some direction with. My sons have studied Henle Latin in Classical Conversations. Neither of them have found joy in...
Where can I find a copy of the Vulgate?
I received this email: We are homeschoolers studying Latin. We enjoy your program very much! My daughter would like to have a Latin Vulgate bible. We would like minimal commentary in the bible. Can you recommend one? Thank you! Here is my reply: Glad to hear you are...
Hey… why can’t we speak Latin?
I wrote this back in 2015. I was still teaching in classrooms. It's still true. ================================================= Yesterday, during class, one of my students asked this question: "Mr. Thomas. We've been studying Latin for three years. Why aren't we...
Tip of the Week #160: How to Level Up in Spanish
This summer, I hope to jump-start my dormant Spanish skills. Not long ago, Mary, a subscriber, asked me to share exactly how I intended to do this. So, I’ll tell you. Whenever I am learning a new language, or refreshing what I once knew, I tend to take a...
Spanish first. Latin later.
I received this question: Good morning! I am interested in your Visual Latin corse for my soon to be 10 year old son. I have a few questions... How long does it typically take to complete VL 1 and 2? Is Lingua Latina the next step after Visual Latin? If so, how...
Lingua Latina after Henle Latin… where do I start?
I received this question: I recently finished Henle 1 after three years, if i switch to Lingua Latinia which level should i start in? Thanks! Here is my reply: Lingua Latina is a novel. So, as bad as it sounds, you need to start over. The book will not make sense...
Some complaints about my classes… and my reply.
Last summer, I received some complaints about my online classes. There were basically three: I complained about Henle Latin. I skipped some of the small grammatical points in the book. My classes are too long. The author of the email wanted to know if the complaints...
Classes in the fall.
I am starting to get questions about classes in the fall. Short answer: I'll be back. Long answer: I am done with First Year Latin by Robert Henle and will not be teaching it again. Not even at gunpoint. I've had enough of that book. But, all of those classes are...
Tests for Second Year Latin by Robert Henle
Today I finished writing the rough drafts for Second Year Latin tests on my site. I started this project on October 27, 2018. Took a while to finish. Do you have any idea how hard it is to write over 1,200 questions and answers for Second Year Latin by Robert Henle...
Visual Latin Errata, Lesson 14: Test 14
I received this question: - How is the translation of a quo (#12)both A) from where AND c) from whom? And, no pun intended, when was this taught? I can't find it. - Related to this, #22, A quo venit aqua? Based on the lesson I would personally translate this as "From...
Second Year Latin: Test 20
Tomorrow is the last day of filming for Word Up. Well, the last day for filming words, anyway. We will spend another week making me look like an idiot. Word Up, Volumes 2 and 3, should be available for sale before the next school year. Of course, Word Up, Volume 1...
Covid-19 and Climate Change
This would be funny if it weren't so true. But, then again... it's still funny. ================================================= Scientists Who Didn't Predict A Single Thing Accurately For Last Two Months Confident They Know What The Weather Is Going To Be Like In...
Made a long day less long…
These days I am writing for Word Up: Volume's 2 and 3. It's a long process. Honestly, I am getting a bit frustrated. English is a slippery language. But, you knew that already. I took a break from Word Up to go answer emails. This was in my inbox. Made me...
Tip of the Week #159: Five Free Things We Can Do
In the middle of the wackiest 2020 we have ever lived through, it's easy to forget the basics. Here are five things we can all do. These five things might just help us keep our sanity. And, they are all free. 1. We can read. 2. We can go outside and get some air. ...
I almost emailed her back….
I received this series of questions: I've been worming my way through the vocab lists, making myself flashcards so I can more easily drill myself on this bewildering number of words. Since I really like to know *everything* that a word means, I've been using...
Could I see an example class?
People are often confused by all that I offer. That's fine. Here's what's going on. Visual Latin is a professionally filmed series. I do not personally sell it. It is available here from Compass Classroom. Once they have completed Visual Latin many of my students...
Coronavirus silver lining
I agree 100% with Dr. Gary North. "The greatest enemy of freedom in American history has been the public school system." But, hey. Silver lining. The public schools are closed. Last week, Dr. North published the following on his site:
Tip of the Week #158: Etymonline
Like you, I subscribe to several "Tips of the Week". This week, Tim Ferris sent this link: He's right. With all of the doom and gloom right now, we could all use some laughs. The link above made me...
More on the way…
Last week, I received this note: Just wanted to send a note to say thank you for the most excellent Word Up videos and let you know that we are eagerly awaiting the new series you are working on now. They are wonderfully informative as well as entertaining! But I...
Tennessee wins.
Middle Tennessee has a terrible reputation as an allergy hotspot. I have tried (and continue to try) everything I can to stop my allergies. But, in this fight, it's Tennessee 1, Me 0. I guess Tennessee wants to keep its reputation. This happens to me every May. This...
Tip of the Week #157: How to handle the Coronavirus
Well. It’s been a while. I sure hope you all are well. Some time ago, I received this email: I’ve recently joined the email list for your email list (Tip of the Week). And I wanted to ask: Are you still sending out the Tip of the Week? I've read some of the past...
Well, well, well…
So, it turns out Henle Latin isn't traditional at all. It's modern. Suspected that. Couldn't really put it into words. This week, I received this email: This is not a class question. I just ran across this article and it supports most of what you have been doing...
Since I will not be teaching Greek anytime soon…
Some of you may find this interesting. Dr. Robert Plummer is offering an audit option for one of his Greek classes. Find out more right here: I would love to teach Greek again, and I hope to someday. But, I am just not sure when it...
Back on Monday
A student contacted me a few days ago. She wanted to know where the morning classes had gone. I told her that I was taking a week off to figure out if I could defeat my allergies... or, if I could just wait a week for them to go away. I also told her this: I may have...
I hate cancelling classes… but, here goes.
Important Update on all live classes: I have postponed all live classes for a week. Seasonal allergies will not leave me alone. We will try again on Monday, May 11.
Jump ship.
I received this very common question: I need help deciding where my daughter needs to be in Latin. She has been in Henle Latin since Challenge A. She is now in challenge 1 and has done Henle for 3 years. But she still is struggling. She enjoys learning Latin but I...
Horses. Hold’em.
I received this email: Hi, we love Word Up! My daughter said she had seen a Word Up volume 2, but I can't seem to find it. Please let me know where we can purchase a DVD of a sequel. Thank you!! Here is my reply: It’s coming! But, you guys have to be patient. 🙂 ...
Where’d all the live classes go?
I am getting lots of questions about the live classes. Two things happened. Everyone went online due to Covid-19, and now my daytime classes barely work. And, my allergies took me down. The allergies happen every April/May, so I was planning to close my classes...
This week, I received a happy email: *Fan mail* I am a CC Director working through our first year of Henle, and I've been so grateful for your Watch Anytime options. I am *enjoying* learning Latin myself, and for all that we love/hate about Henle, I'm grateful...
Last week, I received this note from a student: I have found an app that might be of particular interest to you and the rest of your students. It is called SPQR Latin Dictionary and Reader by Paul Hudson. It includes Classical Latin works and authors such as The...
Oh my word. So funny... and so true: Don't forget. If you are stuck at home, and have decided to use the time to learn Latin, Visual Latin is on sale this week over...
Latin this week… and a sale over at Compass Classroom.
Well. Things sure are weird right now. But, you already knew that. I hope you all are well out there. For the moment, my family and I are okay. No one is sick. Like you, we are working hard to stay that way. I suppose if you are bored, now is a good time to...
Compass Classroom Spring Sale on Visual Latin Products
How to use the Henle 2 class
I received an inquiry yesterday about the Second Year Latin by Robert Henle class. This video will show you how the class works. Currently, we are working through the exercises early in the morning. We are in exercise 103 in chapter 17. On Tuesdays, we are still...
To be blunt…
I am going to get right to the point. Because some of you need it. In his Letters to Children, C. S. Lewis says the following: "To be able to read Latin easily (i.e. without having to translate it mentally as you go along) is an enormous advantage later on. Practice...
This note made me happy today. My son just came out of his room and told me how much fun he was having doing his Latin translations. He’s not what I would consider a language-gifted kid. But your Visual Latin has made it easy for him. Thank you!Tina If you are not...
I’m back… I hope.
I haven't blogged in the longest time. There are lots of reasons. I am not going to get into them. I will say that Henle Latin is one of the big reasons. I teach it because I know it helps so many of my students. But, I am not a big fan. It drains me...
Losing my voice
Guys, I know I haven't posted here in forever. Just trying to get in touch with all of my students. Just tried to teach my first class of the morning and my voice didn't make it. Not my month, as it turns out. It's been a rough one. I am cancelling all early...
God Bless America?
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States legalized abortion. Matt Drudge summed up the attitude of America quite well: “There will be over 3,500 killed in USA today from abortion. No flags lowered, no presidents crying. No media hyperventilating....
Where we are in the books these days (January 17, 2020)
Well... Happy New Year, everyone! I know I haven't posted at all in 2020. I haven't because... reasons. How do I put this? I just didn't start the new year with the motivation I usually have at the beginning of the year. Okay. To the point. Here is where we are in...